LBN 534 and the Check-mates - AstroBin
Sep 11, 2023 · LBN 534 and the Check-mates (stars, dust, reflections, galaxies and a PN) in LHaRGB Askar 151phq (FIRST LIGHT!); AP Mach2 GTO; ASI6200MM; Baader RGB & 6.5nm NB CMOS opt. filters Ha: ( 74 x 600s, Bi...
LBN 534, VDB 158 (Evangelos Souglakos) - AstroBin
LBN 534 is an isolated and elongated molecular cloud in the constellation of Andromeda.. Either shock fronts from a supernova or ionization fronts from a massive star could have caused the shape of this cloud as well as the spatial distribution of young stars.
LBN 534 - the Cosmic Checkmark - Cloudy Nights
Oct 3, 2022 · LBN 534 is an isolated and elongated molecular cloud in the constellation of Andromeda, sits about 1400 light years from us and spans around 36 light years in its length. On the "tip" of the cloud there is a small reflective nebula VdB 158.
LBN 534 and vdB 158 - jthommes.com
This object stretches diagonally across the image. Within this structure are several molecular clouds classified in the Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC). Also within this structure is the blue reflection nebula vdB 158. LBN 534 is about 1400 light years distant and calculates to be about 36 light years in its length.
《LBN 534 - 宇宙大对钩?》 - 巡星客
Oct 3, 2022 · LBN 534是位于仙女座的团分子云,距离我们大约1400光年,目标大约横跨了36光年的距离。 在对钩的“顶端”有一个小型的蓝色反射星云VdB 158。 《LBN 534 - 宇宙大对钩? 》 - 巡星客 —— 致力于为天文爱好者打造一站式天文综合社区.
AV Hunter 1, VdB 158, LBN 534 in Andromeda - IRIDA Observatory
AV Hunter 1 (Aveni-Hunter 1) is an open cluster in the constellation Andromeda. Its distance from Earth is estimated at 500 pc. As seen from Earth this cluster is situated over an illuminated part of a long dark cloud of gas and dust that extends in northeast-southwest direction, known as LBN 534 (or GAL 110 - 13).
LBN 534 (GAL 110-13) and vdB 158 in Andromeda
LBN 534 (aka GAL 110-13) is a molecular cloud stretching across more than 1 1/2 degrees of sky in the constellation of Andromeda. The cloud is believed to be part of the star forming Lacerta OB1 association and is about 1,400 light years from us.
LBN534 - Cosmic Checkmark (Daniel Carter) - AstroBin
LBN 534 is an isolated and elongated molecular cloud in the constellation of Andromeda It is roughly 1400 light years away and is around 36 light years in its length. On the "tip" of the cloud there is a small reflective nebula VdB 158. There is also a tiny blue planetary nebula PK 110-12.1 located in frame.
LBN 534 - vdB 158 - 2019 - AstroBin
This object is a bright molecular cloud located 1400 light years away in the constellation of Andromeda. The cloud, known both as LBN 534 and GAL 110-13, stretches for 1.5 degrees (3 times the apparent width of our full moon) across the image.
LBN 534, vdb 158 and PK 110-12.1 - Cloudy Nights
Oct 30, 2022 · LBN 534 is a long stretched molecular cloud in the constellation Andromeda. In its "knee" the blue reflection nebula vdB 158 is illumnated by the bright star HD 222142.. The small blue planetary nebula PK 110-12.1 can be found in the upper third of the image at the right edge.