LBN 569 (Reg Pratt) - AstroBin
2024年4月26日 · LBN 569 sits 9° from Polaris near the point of Cepheus. Its a small part of a very large structure of Integrated Flux Nebula that blankets the entire northern celestial pole.
LBN 569 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
2024年9月19日 · It is interesting, though, that the lower right quadrant of the image (containing LBN 569) has a distinct orange tint. This tells me that the bright orange stars in that vicinity may be contributing to the cloud illumination there. The small blue planetary nebula Abell 81 (IC 1454) is seen at lower left, as shown on the mouseover annotation.
LBN 569 (Mike Hamende) - AstroBin
Contribution Index (beta) is system to reward informative, constructive, and valuable commentary on AstroBin. Trying to figure out what to do with a wide field setup during galaxy season so I …
LBN 569 - The valleys and cliffs of Cepheus - AstroBin
LBN 569 - The valleys and cliffs of Cepheus 3 years ago 5.7k views4544×34127.98 MB
Faint Molecular Clouds in Cepheus: MBM 163 - Cloudy Nights
2018年8月25日 · Rarely imaged Molecular Clouds in Cepheus: MBM 163 - 165 (Magnani, Blitz & Mundy), LBN 569 (Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae) and probably others... Centre of field: RA 22h12' DEC +81°10' Exposure time: 26 hours, 30 minutes (5 min. subs) Optics: Takahashi Epsilon-180ED f/2.8 Camera: Nikon D810a (ISO 400) Mount: Astro-Physics ...
LBN 569 - AstroBin
2024年4月26日 · LBN 569 sits 9° from Polaris near the point of Cepheus. Its a small part of a very large structure of Integrated Flux Nebula that blankets the entire northern celestial pole.
AstroQuest1: LBN 569
LBN 569 (Lynds' Catalog of Bright Nebulae) is a rarely imaged molecular cloud in Cepheus. As of this writing there are only 5 other images on Astrobin all of which are better than this and taken …
Molecular Clouds in Cepheus: MBM 163, 164 & 165 and LBN 569.
Rarely imaged Molecular Clouds in Cepheus: MBM 163, 164 & 165 and LBN 569. MBM is an abbreviation for Magnani, Blitz and Mundy who identified/catalogued 57 molecular clouds at high galactic altitudes in 1985.
LBN569 LRVB | LBN 569, les vallées et les falaises de Cepheu
LBN 569, les vallées et les falaises de Cepheus. Ces nuages moléculaires sont légion dans cette région du ciel, mais difficile a imager. 22H55 d'exposition dont 10H00 sur le filtre Luminance. Les 12H55 restant sont pris avec les filtres RVB. Chaque …
LBN569 tattered clouds of dark nebula (K.Bahr) - AstroBin
CENTAZ = 14.0983009418783 / [deg] Azimuth of telescope AIRMASS = 1.30005093387241 / Airmass at frame center (Gueymard 1993) PIERSIDE= 'West' / Telescope pointing state FWHEEL = 'ZWO FilterWheel (1)' / Filter Wheel name FILTER = 'Lum UV-IR Cut' / Active filter name OBJECT = 'LBN 569' / Name of the object of interest
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