LBN 801 - AstroBin
2024年2月18日 · This section of the sky, located within the Lynx constellation, is quite unassuming, with no celestial objects of renown, not even a single star that can be seen with …
MBM 25, LBN801, LBN811 - jthommes.com
Within MBM 25 are LBN 801 and 811 as well as cold clump objects from the PGCC catalog. MBM and PGCC objects were observed in long wavelength - millimeter, micrometer, and far IR …
LBN801 and LBN811 (Lynd´s Bright Nebulae 801 and 811) - AstroBin
Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae ist ein astronomischer Katalog heller Nebel. Objekte in diesem Katalog werden mit dem Präfix LBN versehen (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem LDN …
LBN - Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae - NASA
2024年9月16日 · The Lynds' Catalog of Bright Nebulae lists the coordinates of the center of the cloud, the dimensions of the nebulae as measured on the photograph on which it appeared at …
Clouds, Dust, Galaxies, Quasars - MBM 25, LBN 801, LBN 811
2025年2月13日 · The molecular cloud, MBM 25 comprises the field in this image. Within MBM 25 are LBN 801 and 811 as well as cold clump objects from the PGCC catalog. Nearby stars …
Dust Clouds in Lynx - LBN 801 and 811 (Brian Puhl) - AstroBin
A rarely imaged area in Lynx Constellation, LBN 801 and 811 only have maybe half a dozen images listed on Astrobin. Until Mike over at @Insight Observatory provided me with the …
New Image: Clouds, Dust, Galaxies, Quasars - MBM 25, LBN 801, LBN …
2025年2月14日 · The molecular cloud, MBM 25 comprises the field in this image. Within MBM 25 are LBN 801 and 811 as well as cold clump objects from the PGCC catalog. Nearby stars …
LBN 801 – 夜空中国
2024年2月20日 · 这是天猫座中一小片平平无奇的天区,没有任何叫得响名号的天体,连一颗肉眼可见的星星都没有。 惟有长时间曝光,缓慢累积些许光子,才能勾勒出隐匿在黑暗之中的真 …
《LBN 801》 - 巡星客 - istarshooter.com
摄影师: 锋 拍摄日期: 2024-02-25类别: 深空(远程台/固定台) 查看数: 134 点赞 (7) 收藏 (1) 关注 暗星云LBN 801,位于天猫座 精选 拍摄地点: 桑堆镇 南方天文远程台-稻城站 镜头/望远镜: …
LBN 801 | 夜空中国_Steed_黑暗_网站 - 搜狐
2024年2月20日 · 惟有长时间曝光,缓慢累积些许光子,才能勾勒出隐匿在黑暗之中的真相——尘埃和气体编织成错综复杂的帷幕,漂浮在七零八落散布于虚空的各色恒星之间,宛如天上的薄 …