Sh2-240 Simeis 147 LBN 822 (Spahetti Nebula), Sh2-242 LBN 826, …
Home / Image / Sh2-240 Simeis 147 LBN 822 (Spahetti Nebula), Sh2-242 LBN 826, M37
SH2-240, LBN 822, Simeis 147, Spaghetti Nebula - AstroBin
The Spaghetti Nebula (SH2-240) is a supernova remnant about 3000 light years distant. The supernova would have been about 40,000 years ago. The nebula is quite large at 6 times the …
Simeis 147 - Sharpless sh2-240, lbn 822 (Juan Manuel) - AstroBin
Home / Image / Simeis 147 - Sharpless sh2-240, lbn 822 Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Taurus (Tau) · Contains: NGC 1996 · The star 125 Tau View User Share …
HaRGB | Sharpless 240 (Simeis 147, SNR 180.0-01.7 - Flickr
Sharpless 240 (Simeis 147, SNR 180.0-01.7 or LBN 822) is a huge, dim supernova remnant located approximately 2,600 light-years away in Taurus. This image is centered on the object. …
Large Bowl of Spaghetti in Space! | Telescope Live
SH2-240 and friends (Custom SHO blend) LBN 822 · LBN 826 · LBN 827 · NGC 1996 · PK178-02.1 · Sh2-242 · The star 125 Tau
Sh2-240 - HaRGB | Sharpless 240 (LBN 822, Simeis 147 and oth
2023年3月4日 · Sharpless 240 (LBN 822, Simeis 147 and others) is a large HII region located approximately 2,600 light-years away in Taurus and Auriga. Much larger than my field of view, …
SH2-240 Spaghetti alla Nebula - RGBStyle HOO - AstroBin
Captured during 10 nights from December 2022 until February 2023. Finally get enough data for this beauty :-) 13.91h each for narrowband Ha and OIII, 43min each for the RGB stars. > …
Best wide field astrophotography targets for APS-C 135mm
2020年8月4日 · I've shot with a 200mm lens; my first target for wide field was the N.American neb, and the Pelican neb. Next, Trifid and Lagoon. M31 is a obvious choice as well, although …
Sh2-240 - The Spaghetti Nebula - AstroBin
Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” No single sentence better describes astrophotography, in my view. This picture …
Sh2-240 (Simeis147) - Stellar Scenes
You can see a vast, but extraordinary faint supernova remnant of Sh2-240 (Simeis 147) between the constellations of Auriga and Taurus. The remnant has an apparent diameter of over 3 …