NGC 2023 - Wikipedia
NGC 2023 is an emission and reflection nebula in the equatorial constellation of Orion. It was discovered by the German -born astronomer William Herschel on 6 January 1785. This …
NGC 2023 - 百度百科
NGC 2023(也称LBN 954)是一个直径约4光年的漫反射星云,位于1467.7光年之外的 猎户座 B分子云的南面,非常接近猎户座的 马头星云 (Barnard 33)。 这个星云实际上是在周围,由蓝 …
NGC 2023 LBN 954 Horsehead Nebula - AstroBin
NGC 2023 is an emission and reflection nebula in the equatorial constellation of Orion. It was discovered by William Herschel on 6 January 1785. This reflection nebula is one of the largest …
星云板(5) 猎户座+:从M42到女巫头 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
前言:这是对北天可观测的明亮星云的调查,基本拥有NGC/IC编号,按照业余思维编纂,按星座(或邻近)叙述,省略一些细碎微小的反射星云。 观测记录来源于Gottlieb的NGC笔记,图片 …
【宇宙摄影】10 - 哔哩哔哩
星云 ngc 2023 / lbn 954. 这颗类木行星的颜色很前卫 / 行星 伐增二 e 5. 日出,可以看到ngc 2023星云 / 恒星 rs 8513-489-6-106481-400. 紫色星环 / 行星 hip 26579 7
ESO’s Very Large Telescope Snaps Beautiful Image of Reflection …
2019年5月14日 · NGC 2023 is one of the largest reflection nebulae in the sky. Also known as LBN 954 or IRAS 05391-0217, the nebula was discovered by the British astronomer William …
NGC2023 (Reflection nebula) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC2023 is visible in the evening sky, becoming accessible around 18:37 (EST), 42° above your south-eastern horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then reach its …
IC434 - Horsehead Nebula (Joshua Lynch) - AstroBin
First attempt at taking and integrating Ha data into an OSC image. I was able to fix previous guiding issues to allow guided sub-exposures of 10 minutes. I definitely notice that it takes a …
The Cosmos with NGC 2023 – mick laBriola
2019年5月20日 · Also known as LBN 954 or IRAS 05391-0217, the nebula was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel on January 6, 1785. The object is about 1,500 light-years …
NGC 2023 • Reflection Nebula in Orion... - Astronomy Nation
2022年1月15日 · NGC 2023 • Reflection Nebula in Orion 15.1.2022 • NGC 2023 (also designated LBN 954) is a diffuse reflection nebula of some 4 light-years across, located 1467.7 light-years …