磅每小时 (lb/h - 每小时), 质量流率 - Unit Conversion Online
在文本框中键入要转换的磅每小时 (lb/h)数,以查看表中的结果。
千克/小时与磅/小时换算 -- EndMemo
提示: 数据可以用分号或空格分隔,或是采用多行格式.
Pound per hour (lb/h - Per hour), mass flow rate - Unit …
Use this easy tool to quickly convert Pound per hour as a unit of Mass flow rate
磅/小时单位换算 -- EndMemo
Convert Pound/hour to Kilogram/hour - Unit Converter
How to Convert Pound/hour to Kilogram/hour. 1 lb/h = 0.45359237 kg/h 1 kg/h = 2.2046226218 lb/h. Example: convert 15 lb/h to kg/h: 15 lb/h = 15 × 0.45359237 kg/h = 6.80388555 kg/h. Convert Pound/hour to Other Flow - Mass Units
流量单位Lb/hr,Lb具体表示什么意思啊? - 百度知道
2008年9月2日 · 磅/小时,1磅=0.4536千克。
Convert lb/hr to kg/hr - Conversion of Measurement Units
Do a quick conversion: 1 pounds/hour = 0.453592 kilograms/hour using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
质量流率 单位转换器 | Math Converse
在磅/小时 (lb/hr)、千克/天 (kg/day)、盎司/秒 (oz/s)、吨/月 (t/mo)、毫克/纳秒 (mg/ns) 和许多其他变量之间转换质量流量单位。 Math Converse 家
Pound per hour - Wikipedia
Pound per hour is a mass flow unit based on the international avoirdupois pound, which is used in both the British imperial and, being a former colony of Britain, the United States customary systems of measurement. It is abbreviated as PPH, or more conventionally as lb/h. Fuel flow for engines may be expressed using this unit.