Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAW
Local Committee on Anti-Trafficking and VAW. The Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and VAWC (LCAT-VAWC) is a mechanism established to coordinate and monitor the implementation of Republic Act No. 9208 (Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003) and Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004). Through the issuance of Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2010 by ...
Guidelines in the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti …
Guidelines in the Functionality of Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) January 20, 2020. Reference Number: MC No. 2020-006. Download Attachment. Facebook. Twitter. Google+. More IssuancesIssuances Archive.
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006: Guidelines in …
The accomplishment report of LCAT-VAWC shall include the activities undertaken based on the approved A WFP. 4.2 Creation of Inter-Agency Monitoring Team (IMT) 4.2.1 The IMT shall be created in every region and province to monitor and assess the functionality of LCAT-VAWC. Provincial IMT Composition. Chairperson: DILG Provincial Focal Person
VAW Mechanisms | Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against …
As counterpart to the Regional Committees, the DILG, DSWD, and DOJ issued Joint Memorandum Circular 2010-01 ordering the creation of Local Committees on Anti-TIP and VAWC or LCAT-VAWC.This aims to further devolve and cascade the law’s implementation to the ground, through the facilitation of Local Government Units in the provincial, city, and municipal level.
This document contains a functionality assessment form for evaluating Local Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children (LCAT-VAWC). The form contains several indicators grouped under the following categories: Organization, Meetings, Policies/Plans/Budget, and Accomplishments. Each indicator is rated on a scale and additional remarks can be included. The overall goal ...
2024 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women
2024年9月19日 · Highlight 20 years of achievements in addressing VAW by marking two decades of the Anti-VAWC Act (RA 9262); ... Upload the official campaign logo, banner, advocacy videos, and other materials on websites and social media accounts. Share VAW-related news, articles, photos, and other relevant information online using #VAWfreePH and other campaign ...
CHILDREN (LCAT-VAWC)" which provides for the basic standards in the creation of a mechanism that will collaboratively address the problem of TIP and VA WC at the local level. 1.5 After the issuance of the JMC, the functionality of said committees is yet to be determined. Hence, there is a need to assess the performance of LCAT-V A WC to
Guidelines on the Operationalization of the Local Committee of …
The guidelines on operationalizing the local committee to combat anti-trafficking and violence against women and children.
Tabaco City Official Website
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 035 S. 2016 AN EXECUTIVE ORDER CREATING THE LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ANTI-TRAFFICKING AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN (LCAT-VAWC) OF TABACO CITY, ALBAY WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Memo-Circular No. 2010-01 of the Department of interior and Local Government (DILG), the Department of Social Welfare and Development ...
RA 9262 - Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC)
2020年9月1日 · PMO GAD Logo. Policies and Reports. Office Orders. Memorandum Circulars. Accomplishment Reports. News and Events. GAD Resources. PMO GAD SDD. PMO IEC Materials. PCW IEC Materials. PCW IEC Materials . RA 9262 - Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) Print Details Published: 01 September 2020