NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK)
Allow a surgeon to convert from a NexGen primary implant to a stemmed LCCK implant intraoperatively. Designed for use in difficult primary and revision knee surgeries. Provides …
The objective of using the NexGen LCCK Trabecular Metal Coupled Tibial Cone implant is to achieve stability within the proximal tibia when small to medium bone voids are present and …
Zimmer® NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee
2011年4月19日 · Zimmer Biomet TV provides a comprehensive video catalog of instructional and educational content to support healthcare professionals in their practice and enhance patient …
2019年7月2日 · 一個成功的人工膝關節手術,目標在於提供一個穩定、無痛的膝關節可以應付日常生活的各種活動,當人工膝關節零件出了問題,導致膝關節再次出現嚴重疼痛症狀影響活動, …
髁限制型人工膝系统NexGenLCCK手术 - 百度百科
经典型髁限制型人工膝系统(LCCK),是一种用于畸形严重,病变复杂膝关节病的一种人工关节。 具体地讲它可用于下列两种情况:①病膝的关节畸形严重,外翻或内翻固定畸形达到20°以 …
Complete Knee Solution Legacy® Knee Constrained Condylar Knee
The NexGen LCCK is intended for patients who, in the surgeon's judgment, require additional stabilization due to inadequate mediolateral, anteroposterior, and varus/valgus ligament …
The NexGen® Legacy® Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK) components are designed for use in both primary and revision surgeries (Fig. 1). eferencing system. All femoral and tibial cuts are …
Long-term results (after a mean 11.3 years, and up to 22 years, of ...
2024年5月1日 · The LCCK™ sliding prosthesis with increased constraint has equivalent long-term survival and clinical results to standard posteriorly stabilized TKA and superior to hinged TKA.
When the LCCK Femoral Component is used with an LPS Articular Surface, lesser varus/valgus constraint is provided. The LCCK Components feature a close fit between the elevated tibial …
Ofset Stem Extension Patella ts are an intramedullary referencing system. All femoral and tibial cuts are based from reamers or stem extension pro to a stemmed LCCK implant …