High Throughput, Speed and Quality Digital Pathology Solutions available. Designed to fit into the smallest of laboratory spaces with an autoloader capacity for up to 400 slides, the Aperio AT2 minimizes glass movement and manipulation, keeping your slides safe and delivering the superior image quality you have come
徕卡 Leica Aperio AT2 高通量数字玻片扫描仪 | 上海新振仪器设备 …
Aperio AT2 始终如一地提供精确、完整的数字切片,具有无可比拟的首次扫描成功率。 不到一分钟即可远程查看切片。 Aperio AT2 具有一个易于使用的病理学家操作平台,方便集成到实验室信息系统 (LIS),为研究机构提供理想平台。
The Aperio AT2 DX System is an automated digital slide creation and viewing system. The Aperio AT2 DX System is intended for in vitro diagnostic use as an aid to the pathologist to review and interpret digital images of surgical pathology slides prepared from formalin-fixed parafin embedded (FFPE) tissue.
Leica Biosystems Imaging Aperio AT2 DX System enables pathologists to perform a primary diagnosis using digital microscopy. This guide provides an overview of the Aperio AT2 DX System.
显微镜玻片扫描仪 - Aperio® AT2 - Leica Biosystems/徕卡显微镜 …
Aperio AT2始终提供精确的电子玻片,其重新扫描率之低无以伦比,而且玻片可在一分钟内完成远程浏览,是高通量临床实验室的理想平台。 Aperio AT2的主要应用包括。
Aperio AT2 DX System - DMI Medical USA
Developed with proven technology from Leica Biosystems, the Aperio AT2 DX System enables high volume clinical labs to produce consistent, diagnostic quality images, enabling pathologists to diagnose with confidence.
Leica Aperio AT2 DX System Imager | Cambridge Scientific
Introducing the Aperio AT2 DX System, a 400 slide scanner with Aperio ImageScope DX clinical viewing software, and a high-performance viewing workstation including color-calibrated medical grade monitors. The system can be used standalone, or in conjunction with Aperio Path DX case management software, for a streamlined, clinical workflow.
Leica BIOSYSTEMS Aperio AT2 Console User Manual
View and Download Leica BIOSYSTEMS Aperio AT2 Console user manual online. Aperio AT2 Console laboratory equipment pdf manual download.
Aperio AT2 数字病理扫描仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
Aperio AT2 始终如一地提供精确、完整的数字切片,具有无可比拟的首次扫描成功率。 不到一分钟即可远程查看切片。 Aperio AT2 具有一个易于使用的病理学家操作平台,方便集成到实验室信息系统 (LIS),为研究机构提供理想平台。 全面的数字病理解决方案
Leica Aperio AT2数字病理扫描仪价格_品牌:徕卡-丁香通官网
2024年4月13日 · Aperio AT2幻灯片扫描仪体积小巧,容量大,自动装带器和图像质量,为数字病理学树立了新标准。 Aperio AT2始终以的低重扫率提供精确的完整幻灯片图像。