Leica Ic - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2022年3月20日 · The Leica Ic is a version of the Leica IIIc, stripped of the viewfinder, rangefinder and slow speeds, made by Leitz for special needs, such as scientific photography, wide-angle photography or tele photography with a reflex housing.
Leica Ic (1950) - mike eckman dot com
2018年6月1日 · The Leica Ic was a variant of the earlier Leica IIIc but without a rangefinder, viewfinder, or any slow speeds. It’s primary purpose was for scientific and specialized photography. This camera is often found mounted to a microscope or reflex housing. When sold with a lens, it came with the collapsible 5cm f/3.5 Elmar.
徕卡早期机型 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Ic是IIIc的一种变体,取消了测距仪取景器以及低速快门(Ic快门速度为1/30-1/500及B)。 其主要目的用于科学及专业摄影。 因为没有测距仪因此相机相当紧凑且重量减轻,非常适合超广角超焦距或其他辅助取景器的摄影。
The Leica Ic (Leica 1c) - Adam Insights
2018年11月18日 · Revew of the original Leica 1C. Giving a vintage camera a try again with modern film.
Pre-Owned Leica IC - Leica Camera Inc
The Leica IC was introduced in 1949, and this particular model is part of the first batch of 5000 that were produced that year. Touted for its simple body for routinized recording and scientific purposes, the 1C makes a perfect vehicle for a photographer …
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Leica IC A
The Leica IC A video module can be fitted to Leica surgical microscope and to accessory which has a dovetail ring mount. The Leica IC A has not been tested in accordance with
Leica Ic - Leica Wiki (English)
Evolution - Leica IIIc body without rangefinder or viewfinder intended for technical use like mounted in microscope or Visoflex; the Ic has two accessory shoes on the top Body - aluminum with chrome plated brass top plate, base plate and knobs
LEICA Ic レビュー | ライカカタログ | アトリエライカ
LEICA Icの特徴. ライカIIIcをベースに大学や研究所などに向けて科学技術用に開発されたライカIc。 接写装置などとの組み合わせを前提にしているので距離計もファインダーも付いていない。
IC A Ergonomic, affordable, high-performance ... - Leica …
The Leica IC A high-performance video camera opens new horizons for documenting industrial quality control, education, and medicine images. The ability to see, inspect, and correct images directly on a monitor offers versatility and ergonomics.
IC D 结构紧固, 集成数码火线彩色摄像机为体视镜应用
紧凑型 Leica IC D 包括 Leica DFC Twain 软件 为高效的图像采集和数据处理. 那个 3.3 百万像素的摄像头 颜色深度提供了多达 36 位 RGB 和快速的数据传输,和 活动图像模式 可以迅速地做影象聚焦和定位 .