3x3 lemma in nLab
Aug 4, 2019 · The 3 × 3 3 \times 3 -lemma or nine lemma is one of the basic diagram chasing lemmas in homological algebra. 2. Statement. Lemma 2.1. Let. be a short exact sequence of chain complexes. Then if two of the three complexes A∙, B∙, C∙ A_\bullet, B_\bullet, C_\bullet are exact, so is the remaining third. Lemma 2.2. Let.
Nine lemma - Wikipedia
In mathematics, the nine lemma (or 3×3 lemma) is a statement about commutative diagrams and exact sequences valid in the category of groups and any abelian category. It states: if the diagram to the right is a commutative diagram and all columns as well as the two bottom rows are exact, then the top row is exact as well.
同调代数甜点:三引理、九引理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
如果 f_1, f_2, f_4, f_5 都是同构,那么 f_3 也是同构. 下面我们来看 三引理. 3-Lemma. 考虑如下由 阿贝尔群 构成的交换图,其中每一行都为 正合列 : 如果 f_1 和 f_3 为同构,那么 f_2 也是同构. 证明是显然的. 9-Lemma. 考虑如下由阿贝尔群构成的交换图,其中每一行都为 ...
Dec 28, 2019 · Lemma(引理)----a minor result whose sole purpose is to help in proving a theorem. It is a stepping stone on the path to proving a theorem. Very occasionally lemmas can take on a life of their own (Zorn’s lemma, Urysohn’s lemma, Burnside’s lemma,Sperner’s lemma). 主观认识:引理是为了 证明定理 而存在的一个 中间步骤。
Lemma (mathematics) - Wikipedia
In mathematics and other fields, [a] a lemma (pl.: lemmas or lemmata) is a generally minor, proven proposition which is used to prove a larger statement. For that reason, it is also known as a "helping theorem" or an "auxiliary theorem".
Aug 30, 2017 · 引理(lemma): 为了取得某个更好的结论而作为步骤被证明的命题,其意义并不在于自身被证明,而在于为达成最终目的作出贡献。 引理 和 定理没有严格界限。
category theory - Proof of the Nine Lemma using the Snake Lemma ...
Apr 4, 2020 · The $\it 3\times3$ Lemma reads as. Lemma ($\it 3\times3$ Lemma). Given a commutative diagram. where the rows and the two rightmost columns are exact, then the leftmost column is exact. Proof. We need to prove four things: $\lambda_2\circ\lambda_1=0$ $\lambda_1$ is monic $\lambda_2$ is epi $\ker\lambda_2={\rm im}~\lambda_1$
Nine Lemma -- from Wolfram MathWorld
Mar 5, 2025 · A diagram lemma also known as 3×3 lemma. According to its most general statement, the commutative diagram illustrated above with exact rows and columns can be completed by two morphisms A-->^alphaA^' A^'-->^(alpha^')A^('') without losing commutativity.
3 Szemerédi’s regularity lemma 3.1 Statement and proof Szemerédi’s regularity lemma is one of the most important results in graph theory, particularly the study of large graphs. Informally, the lemma states that for all large dense graphs G, we can partition the vertices of G into a bounded number of parts so that edges between
Lemma 3 - McGill University
Lemma 3 Let b i be the closest point of B from a vertex a i of A. If µ is the moving direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) from b i to b i+1 then, for a complete cycle through all vertices of A, µ changes no more than twice.