Leo Smit (Dutch composer) - Wikipedia
Leopold "Leo" Smit (14 May 1900 – 30 April 1943) was a Dutch composer, murdered during The Holocaust at the Sobibor extermination camp. [1][2]
Leo Smit (American composer) - Wikipedia
Leo Smit (January 12, 1921 – December 12, 1999) was an American composer and pianist. Leo Smit was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a child his mother took him to the Soviet Union where he studied with the composer Dmitri Kabalevsky.
Leo Smit's career as composer, pianist, conductor, and educator spanned seven decades of musical life in the United States. He established close working relationships, and/or friendships, with many of the most prominent musicians of the 20th century, including Igor Stravinsky, Béla Bartók, Aaron Copland, Leonard Bernstein, Harold Shapero ...
Homepage — Leo Smit Foundation
The Leo Smit Stichting is determined to give this music back to the audience. Find sheet music, listen to recordings, search the database for instrumentations, genres and composers.
Leo Smitt - Classics Today
The fate of Dutch composer Leo Smit (1900-43), who died in a Nazi concentration camp, is made to seem even more tragic by the appearance of this complete collection. Here was a greatly talented, highly accomplished artist who no doubt would …
Leo Smit Foundation
De Leo Smit Stichting doet onderzoek, vertelt over componisten, maakt bladmuziek toegankelijk en laat vergeten muziek weer klinken. Samen met musici, programmeurs, onderzoekers en luisteraars geven we componisten hun rechtmatige plaats in de muziekgeschiedenis terug.
The Leo Smit Papers contain documents from 1905 to 1998 and cover the professional musical career of the decorated pianist and composer, Leo Smit. The collection is divided into nine series: Correspondence, Writings, Presentations and Lectures, Clippings and Programs, Dickinson Materials, Librettos, Scores, Images, and Oversized Materials.
Leo Smit — Leo Smit Foundation
Leo Smit werd geboren op 14 mei 1900 in de Amsterdamse Plantagebuurt. Hij stamde uit een welgestelde, niet-religieuze Portugees-joodse familie. Hij begon al jong met muzieklessen en schreef zijn eerste compositie op zestienjarige leeftijd.
Leo Smit - Milken Archive of Jewish Music
Originally titled Concerto for Orchestra and Piano, Smit revised it in 1980, adding new first and last movements, under its new title as Concerto for Piano and Orchestra. Smit described his three-act science fiction opera, The Alchemy of Love —one of …
Forbidden Music Regained
2024年11月7日 · During the Second World War, many composers were persecuted by the Nazi’s, because they either had a Jewish background or refused to comply with Nazi rules. Their music was banned from all public performance. The Leo Smit Foundation, founded in 1996, is committed to regain this music.