Global crotonylatome and GWAS revealed a - Science
2023年5月10日 · It has been proven that Kcr widely exists in multiple plants and potentially affects plant development and defense (21, 24). In this work, we performed a global profile of the Kcr proteome of common wheat and subsequently combined multi-omics and Kcr proteome to identify a glycolytic gene phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) ( TaPGK ) regulating wheat ...
【Plant Biotech J】TaGL1-B1通过调控茉莉酸从而影响普通小麦的 …
2023年1月17日 · 将tagl1-b1和tapap6的 cds克隆到具有 ubi 启动子的小麦 lgy-oe3 载体中。 这些包含目标基因的载体通过农杆菌介导的感染转化到六倍体小麦品种Fielder的未成熟胚中,以获得TaGL1 -OE和TaPAP6 -OE品系
Identification of - Wiley Online Library
To produce TaGL1-OE and TaPAP6-OE plants, the CDSs of TaGL1-B1 and TaPAP6 were cloned into the wheat LGY-OE3 vector with the Ubi promoter. These vectors containing target genes were transformed by Agrobacterium -mediated infection into immature embryos of the hexaploid wheat variety Fielder to obtain the TaGL1 -OE and TaPAP6 -OE lines.
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主要从事水稻栽培生理与调控技术研究,主持或参加国家自然科学青年基金、国家重点研发计划课题、江苏省重点研发课题等项目;以第一作者或共同第一作者在Rice,Frontiers in plant science,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,BMC plant biology,Plant Science、作物学报等国 …
A TaSnRK1α Modulates TaPAP6L‐Mediated Wheat Cold Tolerance …
2023年9月22日 · In this study, we found that the expression of sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase alpha subunit ( TaSnRK1α) alleviates the damage of cold stress in wheat plants. We further found that TaSnRK1α interacts with PAP6, chloroplastic-like (TaPAP6L) and promotes its accumulation by phosphorylation.
Introduction of the lgy3 allele into the high-yielding variety results ...
In this study, we described the novel ogl mutant in rice (Oryza sativa L.), which is characterized by an open-glume phenotype, increased pistil number, reduced stamen number, decreased seed setting...
GM 3.0 Liter Twin Turbo V6 LGY Engine
It is part of GM’s fourth-generation high-feature DOHC V6 engine family and first launched on the 2020 Cadillac CT5. The engine is a variant of the twin-turbo 3.0L V6 LGW engine, but features a...
TaSRT1 was verified to regulate cold stress through mutants and ...
Through a combination of crotonylation and multi-omics analysis, we identified a TaPGK associated with wheat cold stress. Then, we confirmed the positive role of TaPGK-modulating wheat cold...
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Access VA Loan Guaranty applications, such as WebLGY, Appraiser Gear, etc. Program Participant Management Portal used by lender VA relationship managers (VARMs) to submit lender application requests, process renewals, and update lender profile information.
LGY Plant life - 配不配?美不美? 配在哪?美在哪? 这品兜看到 …
配不配?美不美? 配在哪?美在哪? 这品兜看到第一眼的感觉是什么? 在之前缺水和曝晒的情况下导致皱皮,但另个角度来 ...
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