LHG 60G Low speed - MikroTik
2018年3月19日 · According to specifications, the maximum distance is 1km. I have 500m, it also says that the maximum synchronization is 2.5Ghz, I have them linked to 2.3Ghz. Having said that, my problem is: I can not pass more than tx = 410 Mbps and rx = 400 Mbps. If I do the test with tx and rx the speed it gives me is tx = 210 and rx = 180.
LHG 5 awful tx signal - MikroTik
2007年4月2日 · Monday, I erected an RBLHG-5nD to feed two Ring security cameras only 190 meters away. The aim seems to be on the money, and the LHG is seeing -53 and -59 from the cameras. However, the cameras are seeing -74 and -72 from the LHG, insufficient to operate. Upon examination, the LHG seems to be stuck in (6dBm) channel mode.
Best practices to optimize signal and CCQ - MikroTik
2020年1月3日 · Lower the Tx power of the Access Point... In the wireless menu click advanced then go to Tx power tab and start lowering the Tx power till the -35 goes at least -50... Another way is to increase the Gain of the AP and then the EIRP will be calculated accordingly.
For RouterOS, a minimum difference of 22dB is need for the link to work properly. Higher modulation rates will require a higher separation. That means if the SS is -65 then the minimum value for noise floor is -87. Or if the noise floor is -110 …
在ThreadX中使用low_power低功耗(ARM) – 哈冬猪的小站 – 个 …
networking - MikroTik LHGG LTE6 kit internet dropping and ... - Super User
2021年3月28日 · I've bought a MikroTik LHGG LTE6 kit to boost reception for my home internet because the 4G connection where I live is quite unstable (and 4G is the only way to get internet here). However, compared with a standard router that comes with an internet subscription it …
LHG 60G - User manuals - MikroTik Documentation
2022年8月25日 · This device meets the Maximum TX power limit per ETSI regulations. The frequency and the maximum transmitted power in EU are listed below: 57-66GHz: 34.92 dBm. An Operational mode in the 60 GHz band: 58.32 GHz, 60.48 GHz, 62.64 GHz.
MikroTik LHG XL HP5 Dual Chain Extra Large High Power 27dBi …
2017年9月17日 · The lhg xl hp5 is a 5ghz 802. 11 a/n wireless device with an integrated dual polarization 27 dbi grid antenna and 630mw tx output power, designed to reach up to 40km in point-to-point setups at full speed.
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Citraweb.com : [REVIEW] Embedded Wireless RB LHG-5nD
2016年6月3日 · Jarak efektif dari produk ini dapat meng-cover kurang lebih sekitar 10km untuk topologi PTP (Point to Point) antar perangkat LHG dengan standart data-rate 802.11n. Berikut adalah perbandingan dari jarak antara RB LHG5 dengan produk wireless MikroTik yang lain.
Mikrotik Wireless Archives - Datacomm Express
Dual chain 24.5dBi 5GHz CPE/Point-to-Point Integrated Antenna, 600Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM(LHG-5nD) ... Mikrotik Low-cost High Power 16dBi 5GHz dual chain integrated CPE/Backbone SXTSq. ... MIKROTIK Groove 52HPn 2.4Ghz/5Ghz Backbone/CPE, 500mW TX, N-male connector ...