Labour Hire Authority
Labour hire workers should be employed by licensed providers who comply with workplace, taxation and health and safety laws. Need our help? Call us on 1300 545 200. Interpreters are available. The information on this website is based on the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic) and the Labour Hire Licensing Regulations.
Online Portal
2024年6月19日 · The Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) Portal is Labour Hire Authority’s (LHA) primary way of communicating with providers about their labour hire licence, and a a one-stop-shop for licensees to manage their licence. The dashboard features your details, notifications, outstanding transactions and more.
HLO(High Level Optimizer),是XLA IR。 XLA支持一组正交的基础operators(原子算子),其他的operators都可以由这组基础算子组合而成。 HLO IR是分层的嵌套结构,由以下三个层次组成: HloModule:HLO IR最高层的表示,可以理解成整个程序。 一个HloModule可以包含很多个 HloComputation。 HloComputation:HLO IR中间层的表示,相当于程序中的一个函数。 一个HloModule只能有一个entry_conputation,其他的computation是被entry_computation调用的 …
How do I apply for a licence? - labourhireauthority.vic.gov.au
There are several steps involved in applying for a labour hire licence. Find out more about how to apply, the information you will need to provide, and what happens once you have submitted your application. To minimise any issues with your application, it is important to gather the necessary information before you begin.
Local Mail Transfer Protocol - Wikipedia
The Local Mail Transfer Protocol (LMTP) is an alternative to (Extended) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for situations where the receiving side does not have a mail queue, such as a message transfer agent acting as a message delivery agent. LMTP was described in RFC 2033 in 1996. [1] Mail queues are an inherent requisite of SMTP.
2023年4月22日 · 文章详细介绍了xla编译流程中的hlo、lhlo、mhlo和lmhlo阶段,这些是xlair的不同层次。 HLO是高层次优化,不涉及内存分配,而LHLO则包含了缓冲区分配信息。
编译原理(二), MLIR(二), StableHLO - GitHub Pages
2024年7月16日 · LHLO:”late”-HLO,经过buffer assignment后的HLO。HLO和LHLO的区别在于HLO注重的是tensor的表达,不考虑到内存的分配。 MHLO:”meta”-HLO dialect,是HLO风格的MLIR dialect, 并且在IR上扩展支持了dynamic shape。
2024年8月16日 · XLA IR:HLO、LHLO、MHLO和LMHLOXLA IR,即XLA Intermediate Representation,支持一组基础operators,通过这些基础算子可以构建其他的operators。 HLO(High Level Optimizer)是XLA IR的核心,它以分层的嵌套结构组
Before you create a LHLO account
As a nominated officer you must create your account using your full legal name as shown on your identity documents. The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) has prepared an application checklist which sets out the information and supporting documentation you will need to complete an application.
XLA 读后笔记 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年1月30日 · mhlo, meta HLO Dialect (120 ops), 这是一个独立于XLA的dialect, 既可以和HLO互转, 也可以与别的dialect交互然后codegen。 stableHlo 是mhlo的升级版, 增加了版本控制vhlo (version_hlo dialect)和序列化的能力。 Entry:Legalization from chlo dialect,, stableHlo or conversion from XLA HLO. Exit: LMHLO, Linalg IREE, directly used in codegen; XLA HLO.
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