李子青博士 - Westlake
李子青教授主要从事人工智能理论、技术与应用研究,包括机器学习和AI for Science。 发表论文 500 余篇,著作 10 部, 谷歌学术引用 74000余次,H-index 150,在2024年度世界科学家及大 …
Stan Z. Li (李子青) - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
SZ Li, AK Jain, YL Tian, T Kanade, JF Cohn. Handbook of face recognition, 247-275, 2005. 766: 2005: Face recognition using the nearest feature line method. SZ Li, J Lu. IEEE transactions …
李子青(Stan Z. Li), 西湖大学 人工智能讲席教授 [1] 。英国Surrey大学博士,IEEE Fellow,IAPR Fellow。 曾任 新加坡南洋理工大学 副教授, 微软亚洲研究院 Research Lead, …
Ziqing Li - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Ultrafast Speed, Dark Current Suppression, and Self-Powered Enhancement in TiO 2 -Based Ultraviolet Photodetectors by Organic Layers and Ag Nanowires …
Stan Z. Li (李子青)'s Homepage - ia
Stan Z. Li is an expert in face recognition, biometrics and intelligent video surveillance. The Eye-CU face recognition system he developed at Microsoft Research Asia was demonstrated by …
李子青实验室(人工智能研究与创新实验室)介绍 - 知乎
李子青(Stan Z. Li, IEEE Fellow),西湖大学人工智能讲席教授,曾任 微软亚洲研究院 lead researcher、 中科院自动化所 模式识别国家重点实验室资深研究员。 发表论文500余篇,著 …
Professor Li Ziqing-西安电子科技大学 - Xidian
Resume: Expert in human face recognition and intelligent video monitoring; guest professor of Xidian University; earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Hunan University; received his Master’s …
Ziqing LI | Associate Research Fellow | Ph.D. | Fudan University ...
Ziqing LI, Associate Research Fellow | Cited by 1,235 | of Fudan University, Shanghai | Read 52 publications | Contact Ziqing LI
李自清 - Fudan University
[5] Ziqing Li, Xinya Liu, Chaolei Zuo, Wei Yang, Xiaosheng Fang*. Supersaturation-Controlled Growth of Monolithically Integrated Lead-Free Halide Perovskite Single-Crystalline Thin Film...
李子卿 (Ziqing Li) - Google Scholar
Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University; 2. University of Pennsylvania. W Yu, L Zhong, L Yao, Y Wei, T Gui, Z Li, H Kim, N Holdreith, X Jiang, ... Protein disulfide...