Lian Zi - 蓮子 - Semen Nelumbinis - Chinese Herbs - American …
Stone Lotus Seed Shi Lian Zi is bitter and cold and eliminates Damp-Heat, clears the Heart and unbinds the Stomach. It is used for Heat toxin and vomiting and dysenteric diarrhea with inability to eat or drink and painful urinary dysfunction.
Lian Zi (Lotus seeds) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
Lian Zi is a king ingredient in Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin, Lian Zi clears Heart Fire, augments Qi and Yin, drains Damp-Heat, and stops leakage. Formula key actions: Stabilizes the Kidneys. Binds up the semen.
莲子 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为睡莲科植物 莲 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 的干燥成熟 种子。 除去莲心者称 莲肉。 秋季果实成熟时采割莲房,取出果实,除去果皮,干燥。 本品略呈椭圆形或类球形,长1.2~1.8cm,直径0.8~1.4cm。 表面浅黄棕色至红棕色,有细纵纹和较宽的脉纹。 一端中心呈乳头状突起,深棕色,多有裂口,其周边略下陷。 质硬,种皮薄,不易剥离。 子叶2,黄白色,肥厚,中有空隙,具绿色莲子心。 无臭,味甘、微涩;莲子心味苦。 略浸,润透,切开,去心,干燥。 (1)本品 …
Lian Zi - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · The Effect of Lian Zi Property. Sweet, astringent, neutral; spleen, kidney and heart meridians entered. Actions. Tonify spleen to check diarrhea, tonify kidney and secure essence, stop leukorrhagia, nourish heart and induce tranquilization. Indications. A. Diarrhea and dysentery due to spleen deficiency
为 睡莲科 植物莲Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.的干燥成熟种子。 分布于中国南北各省。 具有 补脾 止泻,止带,益肾涩精, 养心安神 之功效。 常用于 脾虚泄泻, 带下, 遗精, 心悸失眠。 干燥成熟 种子。 味甘、涩, 性平。 归脾、肾、 心经。 补脾 止泻,止带,益肾涩精, 养心安神。 用于 脾虚泄泻, 带下,遗精, 心悸失眠。 1、治 久痢 不止:老莲子二两 (去心),为末,每服一钱,陈米汤调下。 (《世医得效方》) 2、治 下痢 饮食不入,俗名 噤口痢:鲜 莲肉 一两, 黄连 五钱, …
Chinese Nutrition Properties of Lian Zi
Lian Zi in TCM: Explore the properties of Lian Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Factoids: English Name: lotus seed Pharmacuetical Name: semen Nelumbinis Properties: sweet, astringent, neutral Temperature: neutral Channels: SP, HT, KD Flavors: astringent, sweet Tonifies: qi Special Properties: essence
Lian Zi Bai - 1st Chinese Herbs
Lian Zi is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to tonify the kidney and spleen, check diarrhea, secure the essence, nourish the heart, promote calmness and stop leukorrhagia. Lian Zi supports healthy digestion, promotes relaxation and may benefit sleep.
Lian Zi Xin - 蓮子心 - Plumula Nelumbinis - American Dragon
Cinnabar Lotus Plumule Zhu Lian Zi Xin is stronger at cooling Heat and calming the Spirit and is often used to treat Deficiency Heat Disturbing the Interior with restlessness and insomnia. Since Cinnabar is toxic, this form is not recommended.
Yin Yang House | Lian Zi - Lotus Seed TCM Materia Medica
The TCM herb "lian zi" which in english is "lotus seed", is categorized within the "herbs that stabilize and bind" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the heart, kidney and spleen channels and exhibits neutral (ping) and sweet (gan) taste/temperature properties.
LIAN ZI - Chinese Medicine Wiki.org
LIAN ZI 蓮子 Semen Nelumbinis Nuciferae Other Names. Lotus Seed'' Nelumbinis Nuciferae