Liv 52 Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Side Effects - Ayur Times
2015年8月10日 · Liv 52 is a hepatoprotective herbal-mineral remedy beneficial in liver diseases and improves liver function. It contains appetizer herbs, which help improving digestion and appetite. It also has protective action against almost all types of liver toxins and protects liver of people taking alcohol.
Liv.52 - Himalaya Wellness
Liv.52 offers protection against alcohol-induced hepatic damage by facilitating a rapid elimination of acetaldehyde, the toxic intermediate metabolite of alcohol metabolism. Liv.52 promotes the normal production of key antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) that assists in the removal of toxins and protects cells from damage.
Liv.52® - Himalaya Centroamericana
Empecé a tomar Liv.52, Himcocid, Gastricare, Ashvaganda y Amalaki. La respuesta con Himcocid y Gastricare fue casi inmediata, se eliminó la acidez y con el Gastricare prevengo que las comidas hagan que se manifieste el problema.
Liv.52 - Himalaya Global Holdings
Liv.52 was launched in 1955, and millions of physicians worldwide recommend Liv.52 (tablet, syrup, and drops forms), for various hepatic disorders. Liv.52 is an extensively researched product of Himalaya Wellness Company.
Liv 52, 100 tablete, Himalaya | Dr. Max Farmacie
Liv.52 tablete are efect favorabil asupra starii de sanatate a organismului prin sustinerea funcțiilor hepato-biliare. - protejeaza ficatul de actiunea nocivă a alcoolului, medicamentelor și a diverselor toxine și ajută procesul de regenerare hepatică; - împiedica incarcarea cu grasimi a ficatului;
喜马拉雅 Himalaya 护肝片 Liv.52 DS - Hirasell
Liv.52 HB含有抑制肝脏表面抗原(HBsAg)的天然成分,清除肝脏病毒(HBV)的逆转录酶的抑制作用。 它能显著降低慢性肝炎病毒感染的总体病毒载量。 此外,6个月辅助,可以很好的清除病毒。
Liv.52 DS - himalayasalud.com
Los ingredientes naturales en Liv.52 presentan propiedades hepatoprotectoras potentes contra la hepatotoxicidad inducida químicamente. Se restablece la eficacia funcional del hígado, protegiendo el parénquima hepático y promueve la regeneración hepatocelular.
Himalaya LiverCare for Total Liver Support, Cleanse and Detox, Protects ...
2012年11月14日 · Himalaya LiverCare for Total Liver Support, Cleanse and Detox, Protects Cells & Enzymes, 375 mg, 180 Capsules, 90 Day Supply. PROVIDES DAILY DETOX & LIVER CLEANSE: Promotes the metabolic capacity of your liver and supports waste-eliminating bile production and all-around liver health.
Liv-52 Tablet: Uses, Ingredients, Dose, Side Effects - AyurMedInfo
2019年4月2日 · Liv-52 Tablet is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine of The Himalaya Drug Company. Liv-52 is a hepato-protective herbo-mineral remedy beneficial in liver diseases and improves liver functions. Adults – 2 – 3 tablets twice or thrice a day after meals. Children – 1 – 2 tablets twice or thrice a day after meals.
Himalaya Liv.52 - 100 Tablets - Himalaya Wellness (UK)
Himalaya Liv.52 is a unique formula to help improve liver function and support liver health. It supports digestion and helps improve liver activity. | Official Himalaya Online Store for the UK.