AfPP Annual National Conference 2025 - TSC Life
TSC Life is excited to announce our participation in the AfPP Annual National Conference 2025, taking place from August 8th to 9th, 2025, at the University of Warwick. As one of the largest gatherings of perioperative professionals in the UK, this two-day event offers an exceptional opportunity to explore the latest innovations and best ...
Journal of Perioperative Practice | SAGE Publications Inc
The Journal of Perioperative Practice (JPP) is the official journal of the Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP). It is an international, peer reviewed journal with a multidisciplinary ethos across all aspects of perioperative care. The overall aim of the journal is to improve patient safety through informing and developing practice.
Journal of Perioperative Practice: Sage Journals
2024年11月1日 · The Journal of Perioperative Practice (JPP) is the official journal of AfPP. It promotes perioperative practice by publishing literature reviews, research-based articles, topical discussions, advice on clinical issues, current news items and product information.
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A Day in the Life of a Student ODP - LinkedIn
2019年10月20日 · In order to raise awareness of the fantastic individuals who are currently studying to become perioperative professionals, we’ve invited some of them to tell us what a typical day as a student is...
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想要漂亮的腹肌試試這台 ft. 綺綺教練 @chichi__life 即刻私訊預約體驗綺綺教練一對一教學勺 專長:體重管理(減重/減脂)、新手肌力體能訓練、女性體態雕塑、樂齡抗老化訓練 證照: NASM-CPT 美國國家運動醫學學會私人教練 AFPP-PFT 美國運動體適能協會個人健身教練 ...
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