LifeDrive - Wikipedia
The LifeDrive is a Palm OS-based handheld personal digital assistant device that was produced by PalmOne, a former incarnation of Palm, Inc. The device was PalmOne's first and only foray into the "Mobile Manager" device category.
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LifeDrive LLC | Alternative Wheelchair Drive Control
LifeDrive is an assistive technology company. We are developing alternative wheelchair control solutions that enable disabled individuals to fully control a power wheelchair with their eyes (EyeDrive), voice (VoiceDrive), or mobile joystick (CareDrive).
Livedrive - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Livedrive是j2 Global拥有的在线云备份和同步存储服务。公司为用户提供无限备份空间和2TB或以上的同步存储空间。 [1] Livedrive 使用户能够从手机和平板电脑访问他们的数据。目前 Livedrive 有适用于iOS、Android、Windows、macOS和Chrome OS的应用程序。
Personal Cloud Storage & Backup - Livedrive
Livedrive's Personal products enable you to keep your files safe in the Cloud. Try our unlimited storage backup for PC and Mac today with our 14 day trial.
全国首发!首款Palm硬盘PDA LifeDrive评测(作者:Charles)
Lifedrive呈金属银色,320*480的的大屏幕配合扁平四方形的按键,相当的酷,充满了现代科技感,也显得非常时尚。 拿到手里,重量感适中,大小方面,以评测人员180CM身高的手掌大小,可以非常舒适地掌握,并未感到过大。
Lifedrive USB – LifeDrive
LifeDrive acts as a guide, providing a simple, organized way to store your will, medical records, financial documents, and other critical information, so your loved ones can focus on healing and supporting each other, rather than searching for papers and dealing with bureaucracy.
Palm开窍了!4GB微硬盘LifeDrive评测-泡泡网 - PCPOP
2005年7月7日 · LifeDrive与以往PDA最大的不同就在于它内置了一块容量高达4GB的微硬盘,机身内还有64MB内存。 使用的处理器是416MHz XScale,并且支持蓝牙1.1和WiFi 802.11b。
LifeDrive - 百度百科
宝马i系列车型采用了“LifeDrive”模块架构,它由“Life”和“Drive”两个独立的模块组成,“Life”代表乘员舱部分,采用超轻量化并且高强度的CFRP 碳纤维复合材料 构成,而“Drive”则将悬架、蓄电池组、驱动系统和碰撞防护结构纳入整个模块中。仔细看就会发现 ...