LipidX – The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology
This compact multiplexing unit performs up to 50 different tests in a single reaction volume and reads a 96-well plate. Swiss Learning Health System: A national initiative to establish learning …
Lipid-X® - Biotics Research
Lipid-X® is a combination of magnesium oxide and citrate. It has been clinically demonstrated to bind ingested dietary fats, and may be used as part of a comprehensive weight management …
SystemsX.ch - The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology: LipidX
In LipidX, we use lipidomics, high-throughput screening and iterative cycles of mathematical modeling and experimental testing, and we analyze the intricate links and interplay between …
SystemsX.ch - The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology: LipidX (2008 …
The central, overarching questions of LipidX are: what role do various lipids or lipid assemblies play, how is lipid homeostasis – or lipidostasis – controlled at the genetic and protein levels, …
Human MCM5 (Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 5) ELISA Kit – LipidX
Description: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the Double-antibody Sandwich method for detection of Human Minichromosome Maintenance Deficient 5 (MCM5) in samples …
Lipid identification software for discovery LC-MS/MS - GitHub
LipiDex unifies all stages of LC-MS/MS lipid identification, empowering intelligent data filtering to greatly reduce manual result curation and increase identification confidence. Download. …
This query first identifies SwissLipids identifiers for a given list of LipidX identifiers. It then retrieves the corresponding Isomeric subspecies that are linked to at least one publication, and …
Human VASP (Vasodilator Stimulated Phosphoprotein) ELISA Kit - LipidX
To Order Contact us: [email protected]. Description: tissue homogenates, cell lysates or other biological fluids. Description: A sandwich quantitative ELISA assay kit for detection of Human …
BiGG Metabolite lipidX
Universal metabolite: lipidX Descriptive name: 2,3-Bis(3-hydroxytetradecanoyl)-beta-D-glucosaminyl 1-phosphate. Formulae in BiGG models: C34H64NO12P. Charges in BiGG …
harvardinformatics/lipidx - GitHub
Lipidx is a Flask application with a number of graphics dependencies including the Anaconda bokeh library