Lizard Olympics: Natural Selection — HHMI BioInteractive Video
The game of natural selection is afoot in anole lizards. Can long-legged anoles outrun short-legged twig anoles? Differences in physical traits such as leg l...
Olly, Syd, Millie and Lizzie - Wikipedia
Olly, Syd and Millie were the official mascots of the 2000 Summer Olympics, and Lizzie was the official mascot of the 2000 Summer Paralympics, both held in Sydney, Australia. Olly, Syd and Millie were named by Philip Sheldon from advertising agency …
Lizard Olympics - The New York Times
2013年3月19日 · Jonathan Losos, professor and curator of herpetology at Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology, writes from Colombia, where he is studying the biodiversity of anole lizards, an evolutionarily...
Sydney 2000 – Paralympic Mascot "Lizzie" - Olympic Design …
Lizzy, the frill-necked Lizard was chosen as the mascot for the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. The frill of the Paralympic mascot, coloured in green and gold and in the shape of Australia, represents the country, with the ochre body mirroring the colour of the land.
Get to know Lizzie: the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games Mascot
Lizzie, the mascot of the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, is a frill-necked lizard, best known for her strength, determination and ability to survive in even the toughest conditions. She helped showcase the performance, power and pride of Para athletes to …
Lizard Olympics - CK12-Foundation
2025年2月1日 · Watch the video below, "Lizard Olympics", and read the links to learn more about adaptation, evolution, and speciation in anole lizards and other organisms. Then answer the following questions. From the information in the video, "Lizard Olympics", explain why anole lizards with long legs are not well adapted to living in trees.
Sydney 2000 mascot 'Lizzie' -- lizard - China Daily
The Mascot for the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games was Lizzie, the frill-necked lizard. She was chosen to carry the Paralympic messages of performance, power and pride to both Australian and international audiences. Her strength, determined will and attitude symbolize all Paralympians.
river nurserymen: Scientist at Work Blog: Lizard Olympics
Scientist at Work Blog: Lizard Olympics Jonathan Losos, professor and curator of herpetology at Harvard?s Museum of Comparative Zoology, writes from Colombia, where he is studying the biodiversity of anole lizards, an evolutionarily successful group that has produced 400 species throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean islands.
Research — Jonathan B. Losos
The repeated, independent evolution of similar traits by species living in similar environments suggests that the trait makes the species well adapted to that environment. Our work established a means to test this hypothesis: Lizard Olympics!
Research on the Lizard Wars of South Florida – Anole Annals
2024年12月1日 · The Lizard Olympics. Stroud isn’t done with South Florida’s invasive lizards. He’s currently conducting a study that he’s dubbed the “Lizard Olympics.” This past spring, he and the team tested the hundreds of lizards they’ve caught on the island for various physical skills.