LK-700 - Wikipedia
LK-700 was a Soviet direct ascent lunar lander program proposed in 1964. [1] It was developed by Vladimir Chelomey as an alternative to the N1-L3 program. It was also a further development of the LK-1 lunar flyby spacecraft.
LK-700 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The LK-700 was Chelomei's direct-landing alternative to Korolev's L3 manned lunar landing design. It would have used the monster UR-700 booster to send a crew of three on a direct flight to the lunar surface and back.
夭折的红色阿波罗 ————苏联载人登月计划始末(下) - 知乎
与登月任务的指令舱相配套,被称为lk的月球登月舱,由曾在火箭之争中与科罗廖夫竞争过的 扬格利 执掌的586设计局研制,该登月舱,无论是外形还是起飞降落方式,都酷似美国阿波罗登月舱lm。而由于n-1火箭的推力不足,lk登月舱被设计得很小,仅仅重5吨,通 ...
LK–700 Chelomei - GlobalSecurity.org
The Chelomey OKB project provided for a manned flyby of the LK-1 spacecraft and landing crew on the Moon and returning it to Earth using the LK-700 spacecraft.
UR-700 launch vehicle - RussianSpaceWeb.com
LK-700 program. The UR-700 would be capable of delivering a manned lander directly to the lunar surface, bypassing the need for entering lunar orbit and consequent rendezvous between the lander and "a mother-ship" -- the scheme adopted for NASA's Apollo and Korolev's N1/L3 project. In the "package" with the UR-700 rocket, Vladimir Chelomei ...
LK-700 - Wikiwand
LK-700 was a Soviet direct ascent lunar lander program proposed in 1964. It was developed by Vladimir Chelomey as an alternative to the N1-L3 program. It was also a further development of the LK-1 lunar flyby spacecraft.
LK-700 – Wikipedia
LK-700 war ein sowjetisches Mondlande- und Aufstiegsmodul, das 1964 als Alternative zur N1 vorgeschlagen wurde. Es wurde von Wladimir Nikolajewitsch Tschelomei entwickelt und basierte auf einer Weiterentwicklung der bemannten LK-1-Sonde. Die LK-700 wäre mit einer UR-700-Rakete gestartet, um drei Kosmonauten auf eine direkte Flugbahn zur ...
LK-700 - Wikiwand
LK-700 was a Soviet direct ascent lunar lander program proposed in 1964. It was developed by Vladimir Chelomey as an alternative to the N1-L3 program. It was al...
LK-700 - Wikiwand / articles
LK-700 was a Soviet direct ascent lunar lander program proposed in 1964. It was developed by Vladimir Chelomey as an alternative to the N1-L3 program. It was also a further development of the LK-1 lunar flyby spacecraft.
LK-700 — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
LK-700 was a Soviet direct ascent lunar lander program proposed in 1964. It was developed by Vladimir Chelomey as an alternative to the N1-L3 program. It was also a further development of the LK-1 lunar flyby spacecraft.
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