RLizard: Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism for IoT …
We propose the RLizard key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), whose security depends on the ring learning with errors and ring learning with rounding problems. Because RLizard operates on a special type of ring, it is more efficient in terms of both the clock cycles required for key generation and the key size compared with the original Lizard scheme.
Image Filtering using Halide and a new Denoising Algorithm for …
Furthermore, we present a new denoising algorithm for gradient-domain rendering [LKL+13]. Gradient-domain rendering algorithms compute not only a Monte Carlo estimate of the image itself, but also of its finite difference gradients. The final image is then reconstructed by solving a screened Poisson equation.
Best constants in some operator smoothness estimates
1992年7月1日 · Finally we provide an elementary proof of the trace theorems we need with optimal constants. The trace estimate we need (see e.g. Kuroda [7]) is f ^(to^^-^CminO.^lKl+.x2)1''2^!2 (4) yi-l (the stronger result that Kato and Yajima prove).
基于注意力机制的mobilenet-v1知识蒸馏方法、存储器及终端设备 …
2021年5月11日 · ltotal=α*lkl+(1-α)*lce+β*lat. 其中,参数α取值为0.9,参数β取值为1000,lkl表示kl散度,lce表示交叉熵损失,lat表示注意力图之间的损失。 还包括一种非易失性存储器,其中存储有软件,其中,所述软件用以实现权利要上述的基于注意力机制的mobilenet-v1知识蒸馏方法。
Homomorphic CNNs - CSDN博客
2025年1月16日 · Convolutional Neural Networks 是一种特殊的前馈网络,包含若干层有序的 神经元, 如图所示, [GDL+16] 提出了 CryptoNets 模型,他们仅关注推理,模型是明文训练的。 他们使用 SEAL 库中的 YASHE 方案(有实现么? 没找到)。 在 MNIST 数据集上,预测精度为 99%,吞吐率是每小时 58982 次预测,单次预测的延迟是 250 秒。 R t = Z t [ X ] / ( X N + 1 ) R_t = \mathbb Z_t [X]/ (X^N+1) Rt = Zt[X]/(X N + 1),但是 神经网络 中的数据都是浮点数。
For an integer k, it takes size(k) = 1+ rlog,(lkl+ 1)1 bits to encode Ic. So, size(LP) = x size(aij) + size(cj) + x size(bi) i,j j i A polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming is an algorithm whose worst-case running time is bounded by a polynomial in the size of the input LP.
The Learning with Rounding (LWR) problem is a determin-istic variant of the classical Learning with Errors (LWE) problem, for which sampling an instance does not involve discrete Gaussian sampling. We propose the first probabilistic Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) from the LWR problem which is secure in the standard model.
是的,本人下lk不久,已经遇到三次服务器问题了。 嘿,你别说,要是能让lk稳定,高质量更新,投个十几二十也是不错的。 lk是不是又挂了..是的,本人下lk不久,已经遇到三次服务器问题了。 遇到这些,作为使用者烦躁的同时也有点悲伤吧,之前炸了很久,下面有个评论说“有本事你来修啊”嘿,你别说,要是能让lk稳定,高质量更新,投个十几二十也是不错.
L6565 - Quasi-resonant Controller - STMicroelectronics
The L6565 is a current-mode primary controller IC, specifically designed to build offline Quasi-resonant ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching at switch turn-on) flyback converters. Quasi-resonant …
LK+ CO2 temp VV − Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH
LK+ LK+ CO2 temp VV. Duct sensor temperature, CO2 Active, 0..5 V, 0..10 V | IP65 according to EN 60529 Pipe, Ø=19,5 mm, black, length 180 mm