QOS中 PQ,CQ.RR,WFQ,CBWFQ,LLQ区分 - Cisco Community
2015年6月29日 · QOS-CQ Customized Queue 用户定制队列 CQ使用了17个子队列(其中0子队列是PQ队列,优先级很高,留给系统使用),CQ使用WRR(Round-Robin)机制。首先谈谈RR机 …
Solved: LLQ understanding - Cisco Community
2010年5月6日 · Hello all, I have an issue with theory and practice with LLQ. I understand that LLQ allow you to prioritize packets (e.g. voice) up to a certain limit (bandwidth) when available …
what is the difference between LLQ and CBWFQ?
2011年3月3日 · As per my understanding in LLQ have dedicated bandwidth and it will use the excess bandwidth if there is no congestion. CEWFQ will use other bandwidth and if there is …
Parent and child policy maps with LLQ - Cisco Community
2021年5月30日 · I'm trying to configure LLQ with parent and child policies on my two 4221 routers and I'm having trouble in understanding how LLQ works with the different policies so I'm …
Cisco IOS ソフトウェア プラットフォームでのキュー制限および …
2011年2月8日 · llq/cbwfq にパケットが許可される前に実行されるため、llq は、設定プライオリティ レートに限定されます。 要約すると、輻輳時には、llq の基本コンポーネントである追 …
QoS, CBWFQ , and LLQ - Cisco Community
2011年6月28日 · LLQ will also rate-limit its traffic to what's been specified when there's interface congestion. Some examples for your question: Interface congested: You could have 0 Mbps …
LLQ QoS - Cisco Community
2007年4月4日 · I am preparing for my CCIP and the QoS exam seems to be the most tough one. Say i design a LLQ technique like the below class-map match-all voip match ip DSCP EF …
LLQ Bandwidth Provisioning - Cisco Community
2011年8月18日 · Jon, the LLQ doesn't expand, it's strictly a question, I believe, whether its queue contains packets. No, it doesn't, and if i said anything that gave that impression then …
Qos -LLQ (1PQ+ CBWFQ - Cisco Community
2006年9月27日 · I have 1 PQ (LLQ) and 4 CBWFQ) in my configuration. I alloted bw 80% LLQ with cir and remaing 20% amonng other 4 CBWFQ. I have one doubt: This will support the …
ask a CBWFQ and LLQ question - Cisco Community
2008年3月18日 · "if i config LLQ for bandwidth 1m on 2M E1 line, and business data 0.5M(CBWFQ),defautl class 0.5M(CBWFQ). can i config this llq burst to 2M if line does not …