Quick-Lay Marine LLRTP Pipes - Duqm Hongtong
To meet the demand for oil and gas pipes in deep sea or undergrounds, Duqm HongTong Piping LLC (DHTP) supplies Quick-Lay Marine LLRTP pipes Owing to the many advantages of RTP, more and more major oil and gas companies and operators started to replace their steel pipelines with this new technology. Not Applicable.
What is a Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe? | SoluForce
SoluForce is the technological leader in manufacturing Spoolable Flexible Composite Pipes (FCP), also known as Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes (RTP). RTPs were initially developed in the early 1990s in response to growing demand for non-corrosive conduits.
Analysis of the mechanical properties of a reinforced thermoplastic ...
2005年2月1日 · There is about 200 km of this long length RTP, hereafter called long length reinforced thermoplastic pipe (LLRTP), in operation now. In order to design and engineer LLRTPs, it is very important to have a clear understanding of the mechanical behaviour of LLRTPs.
Product data sheet SOLUFORCE® Long Length Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (LLRTP) REPORT NR SOL201606081 REVISION V7 DATE 01-05-2017
Quick-Lay Surface Facility LLRTP Pipes - Duqm Hongtong
Duqm HongTong Piping LLC is specialized in supplying Quick-Lay Surface Facility Long Length Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (LLRTP) pipes. LLRTP pipes are a standard alternative …
SoluForce LLRTP Product Data Sheet - studylib.net
SoluForce provides a complete system consisting of pipes and fitting system. SoluForce pipe systems come in Classic, Light and Heavy versions. SoluForce Classic is designed for. in water injection as well as in extreme sour applications. SoluForce Light shares the same properties but is designed for low to medium-pressure operations.
SoluForce - Flexible Composite Pipe Solutions
SoluForce® is the originator and technological leader of high pressure Flexible Composite Pipe (FCP or RTP) systems. Our robust and maintenance free solutions are used for various applications and can be completely non-metallic. SoluForce exhibiting at …
Reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) enjoys wide acceptance for use in upstream oil and gas flow lines for liquid hydrocarbon gathering, gas gathering, and water injection in North America. The light weight, ease of installation, corrosion resistance, maintenance free, and cost effective pricing characteristics of RTP have proven very attractive.
Duqm HongTong Piping LLC (DHTP) Reinforced …
Duqm HongTong Piping LLC (DHTP) is the Oman’s first factory for manufacturing Reinforced Thermopolyethlene Pipes at the Special Economic Zone of Duqm. Established with a vision to …
基于非芳香配体的配位聚合物的室温磷光研究-学位-万方数据知识 …
摘要:分子基长寿命室温磷光(molecule-basedlong-lived room temperature phosphorescent,LLRTP)材料因其室温下可观测到的长寿命发光现象而受到了广泛关注。 该材料在防伪,信息加密解密以及生物成像等领域有潜在的应用前景。 许多配位聚合物(coordinate polymers,CPs)具有LLRTP性质,但CP型LLRTP材料一般基于Zn2+、Cd2+等重金属离子,对环境危害较大,且配体均为芳香化合物,RTP发射颜色较为单一,因此在实际应用上存在一定问 …