LLT Tape, Lead Lock Tape
Lead lock tape is a thermosetting one sided polyimid tape which is used to prevent metamorphosis of multi-leadframe, thin non memory semiconductor. Our product is protected by hetero-film after coating epoxy adhesive on one side of polyimid film.
Effect of Lead Lock Tape Mirror tool (LLT) towards machine …
This technical paper aims to provide better perspective in LLT parts mirror-like surface condition that can affect the machine performance & yield. The study was conducted by varying roughness, Ra value of the LLT part’s surface.
LLPT Double Sided Tape Acrylic Waterproof Permanent Mounting Tape …
Premium grade mounting tape that is rated to hold 5-20 pounds of mass weight per square inch with double-sided adhesion; weather-proof adhesive empowers home and enterprise owner to have tight bonding; wall safe adhesive enables apartment renters, students, homeowners, teachers and office workers to temporarily post various objects on walls ...
Lead Frame Taping Systems - Semiconductor Materials and …
The lead frame taping system is used to place a tape over the lead frame, which protects the components and provides a means of handling during further processing. The tape is placed over the lead frame in a controlled environment to ensure that the components remain in place during further processing.
Black Aluminum Foil Tape (BF255) - LLPTapes
Pressure sensitive reflective black foil tape enables to be fit on corrugated or irregular corners and joints. Very high bonding for plastic, ceramic, concrete, copper/brass and other metals.
HPE Library and Tape Tools
HPE Library and Tape Tools ist ein kostenloses, downloadbares und stabiles Diagnosetool für alle Bandspeicherprodukte von Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Das Tool kann sowohl von ungeschulten Administratoren als auch von erfahrenen Spezialisten eingesetzt werden und eignet sich ideal für Kunden, die ihre Installation überprüfen, die ...
Startseite - LLT Applikation GmbH
Die LLT.tube ist die Laserbearbeitungsanlage für die Prozessierung zylindrischer Bauteile. Die Maschine wurde für das Schneiden und Bohren von Feinrohren entwickelt und ermöglicht filigranste Konturen. Neben einem Faserlaser tragen ein Femtosekundenlaser und ein Nassschneidsystem der besonderen Sensitivität hochwertiger Materialien Rechnung.
LLT连接器:连接未来的桥梁 - 深圳市利路通电子科技有限公司
LLT连接器是一种专为高频应用设计的高速连接器,其设计理念是“Lightning-like Speed”和“Low-loss”。 顾名思义,LLT连接器的传输速度极快,损耗极低,这使得它在无线通信、光纤通信、射频通信等领域有着广泛的应用。
Laseranlagen - LLT Applikation GmbH
LLT.tube is the series machine for laser micromachining of fine and precision tubes with processing accuracies of up to ± 3 µm. With up to four axes, the machine processes cylindrical components with diameters from 0.3 mm to 19 mm and enables both radial and off-axis cuts.