The LMA-3, also called the ‘AuxBox’, was originally designed as a peripheral for the LM-1 digital Lambda meter. The LM-1 has 5 auxiliary inputs. The LMA-3 populates these inputs with either built-in sensors or user-connectable external sensors.
Llama 3 - Meta开源推出的新一代大语言模型 | AI工具集
Llama 3是Meta公司最新开源推出的新一代大型语言模型(LLM),包含8B和70B两种参数规模的模型,标志着开源人工智能领域的又一重大进步。 作为Llama系列的第三代产品,Llama 3不仅继承了前代模型的强大功能,还通过一系列创新和改进,提供了更高效、更可靠的AI ...
Llama 3 使用方法以及模型下载教程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
前几天, Meta 发布了 Llama 3 模型,官方介绍文档在这。总结一下重点内容: 本次共发布了Llama 8B, 70B的模型,70B性能超越 GPT3.5 ; 预告了正在训练中的400B+模型,性能追赶 GPT4 ; Llama 3 使用方法. 想要快速上手体验的朋友,可以通过以下方式进行尝试:
Innovate Motorsports LMA-3 : Owner's manual - ManualShelf
1 Overview The LMA-3, also called the ‘AuxBox’, was originally designed as a peripheral for the LM-1 digital Lambda meter. The LM-1 has 5 auxiliary inputs. The LMA-3 populates these inputs with either built-in sensors or user-connectable external sensors.
Innovate LMA-3 Aux Box | MyAudiS4
The LMA-3 has some built in sensors; a 3 BAR pressure sensor, X and Y axis accelerometers, ability to read a thermocouple, and also an RPM signal. There are a series of 0-5V differential inputs that can be configured to read external sensors.
Innovate Motorsports LMA-3: AuxBox (Multi-sensor Device)
Innovate 3742 LMA-3: AuxBox (Multi-sensor Device). The AuxBox attaches to the auxiliary input of the LM-1 and allows a user to log and analyze 5 critical engine metrics in addition to the air/fuel ratio native on the LM-1.
Innovate AuxBox (LMA-3) - lethalperformance.com
Innovate AuxBox (LMA-3) The AuxBox attaches to the auxiliary input of the LM-1 and allows a user to log and analyze 5 critical engine metrics in addition to the air/fuel ratio native on the LM-1. The AuxBox makes the LM-
LMA-3 Multi-sensor Auxiliary Input Device User Manual
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Innovative Motorsports IM3742 Innovate Lma-3 Aux-box Multi
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The LMA-3 populates these inputs with either built-in sensors or user- connectable external sensors. Each of the five inputs of the LMA-3 can be user configured for