Common-Lymphoid-Progenitor-Independent Pathways of Innate …
2016年4月19日 · All lymphocytes are thought to develop from common lymphoid progenitors (CLPs). However, lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors (LMPPs) are more efficient than CLPs in differentiating into T cells and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Here, we have divided LMPPs into CD127(-) (LMPP-s) and CD12 …
A new lymphoid-primed progenitor marked by - Nature
2020年10月19日 · Lin − c-Kit + Sca-1 + Flt3 + cells, termed lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors (LMPPs), have lost megakaryocyte and erythroid potential but are heterogeneous in their fate.
造血干/祖细胞对巨核细胞谱系的承诺 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
尽管使用体外培养和异种移植试验的组合鉴定了推定的人类 lmpp,62人类巨核细胞生成是否包括偏向巨核细胞的 hsc 以及双能和单能巨核细胞祖细胞还有待研究。
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells develop from Ly6D - Nature
2019年6月18日 · We propose that pDCs arise from an IL-7Rα + Ly6D + CD115 − CLP-like stage, phenotypically similar and in a transcriptional continuum with the historically defined CD115 − CDPs, characterized ...
Lympho-myeloid primed progenitor cell fates are controlled by …
Lymphocytes develop from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) via the progressive restriction of their developmental potential. Despite HSC heterogeneity , an early differentiation step results in a lympho-myeloid primed progenitor (LMPP) population that lacks megakaryocyte and erythrocyte potential but retains lymphoid and myeloid potential . LMPPs ...
Co-Transplantation of Barcoded Lymphoid-Primed Multipotent (LMPP…
Here, we report the first study comparing, in the same individual, the in vivo dynamics of the hematopoietic progenitors LMPP and CLP to T cells production by using a DNA barcoding strategy. The results highlight the predominant role of LMPP for lymphoid generation and reveal valuable novel insights to reconsider in clinical transplantation assays.
2016年4月19日 · However, lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors (LMPPs) are more efficient than CLPs in differentiating into T cells and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Here, we have divided LMPPs into CD127 (LMPP s) and CD127+ (LMPP+s) subsets and compared them with Ly6D and Ly6D+ CLPs.
Single-cell analysis reveals the continuum of human lympho ... - Nature
2017年11月21日 · Here we demonstrated that lympho-myeloid progenitor populations in cord blood — lymphoid-primed multi-potential progenitors (LMPPs), granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (GMPs) and multi-lymphoid...
Identification of a Human Natural Killer Cell Lineage-Restricted ...
2015年8月18日 · To investigate the developmental relationship between LMPP, CLP, and NKP, we performed in vitro and in vivo studies and established that LMPP can give rise to both CLP-like and NKP cells, whereas CLP-like cells can generate only NK progenitors, and NKPs cannot produce CLP-like cells.
综述 | Cancers:天然杀伤细胞发育和功能的转录调控 - 癌症123
2020年7月28日 · 淋巴启动的多能祖细胞(LMPPs)是第一个源于HSC 的祖细胞,之后经历淋巴祖细胞(CLP)阶段,NK祖细胞(NKPs)阶段,最终分化为成熟的NK细胞。 利用不同的细胞表面标志确定其发育阶段。 鼠NK细胞发育起始于Lin - Sac + CD117 + HSCs分化为Lin − Sca low CD117 low CD135 (FLT3) + CLPs (图1)。 人NK细胞发育始于Lin - CD34 + HSCs分化为CD45RA + CD133 + LMPPs(图2)。 人类NK细胞占健康成年人外周血单核细胞(PBMC)中循环淋巴细 …