如何估计 ln2 的近似值? - 知乎
如何估计 ln2 的近似值? 心血来潮,想知道有什么方法可以估计 ln2 的近似值。 高考就曾经考过这样的问题,例如 2014 年全国 2 卷理科数学的压轴题: [图片] 显示全部
what is LN2 mode on a PC? - Tom's Hardware Forum
Dec 21, 2016 · Where the over clocking of the frequency of the cpu can often reach 7Ghz in speed from the stock speed setting using LN2 cooling of the cpu. For the average home user …
如何笔算出 ln2? - 知乎
计算ln2,用函数lnx初始近似值处的切线代替lnx本身,计算ln2的新的近似值。如此反复,新的近似值总是比初始近似值更精确。牛顿切线法的,相对于高中课本另一个办法“二分法”,理论上快 …
Can't get 8GB to work on X7SBL-LN2 | Tom's Hardware Forum
Jun 15, 2011 · At my last job we build a good number of 1U SM Chassis with X7SBL-LN2 and I found that the 1U heatsink bracket didn't fit in perfectly with the board. What happens was if I …
Cooling a PC with Liquid Nitrogen? | Tom's Hardware Forum
Dec 17, 2014 · The only way you could feasibly use Ln2 for sustained cooling is by having a big loop, heavily insulated and with a expansion chamber and compressor, seriously crazy but …
EK Water Blocks Releases New High Performance GPU LN2 Pot
Dec 10, 2013 · High performance GPU LN2 pots are squarely aimed at pro-overclockers, and now there is another high performance pot to choose from as EK Water Blocks has just …
HELP - Asus Maximus IV Extreme Z - LN2 Switch - Tom's Hardware …
Dec 31, 2014 · I need help with the LN2 switch. It's broken and some circuit for LN2 switch is ripped. I was wondering if anyone could trace down the tracks from the LN2 switch. I need to …
最好的方法算14年的ln2? - 知乎
直接调用库函数可以算得 \ln2 =0.69314718055994\cdots, 绝对误差不足 1.5\times10^{-5} 。且从第3项开始算法中每增加一项应当至少增加1个有效10进制小数精度位,从第9项开始算法中每增 …
如何笔算出 ln2? - 知乎
ln2-25/36=-0.00129 只有3位,怎么办呢?没关系,我们可以等分区间,然后对两侧的 ...
有哪些手算对数的方法? - 知乎
通过以上四式可以算出 \ln2,\ln5,\ln3,\ln7 ,而且收敛非常快,不需要计算太多项就可以算出足够的精度,最初的对数表就是这样计算的。 展开阅读全文