714 | LND | Nuclear Radiation Detectors
714 Gamma detectorDownload Specifications in .pdf format
Recommended anode resistor (meg ohm) 3.3 Maximum starting voltage (volts) 380 Recommended operating voltage (volts) 500 Operating voltage range (volts) 450 - 650 Maximum plateau slope (%/100 volts) 15 Minimum dead time (micro sec) 20 Gamma sensitivity Co60 (cps/mr/hr) 1.5 Tube capacitance (pf) 3 Weight (grams) 0.8 Maximum background shielded 50mm Pb + 3mm Al (cpm) 2 Minimum anode resistor (meg ...
LND 714 Datasheet - LND, Inc. - Gamma Detector | GlobalSpec
Types of Radiation Detectors: Geiger-Mueller Counter; Types of Ionizing Radiation Detected: Gamma Ray; Operating Temp: -40 to 167 F (-40 to 75 C);
Detector LND 714 | PDF - Scribd
detector lnd 714 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. LND, Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of nuclear radiation detectors founded in 1964 and located in Oceanside, New York.
71412 | LND | Nuclear Radiation Detectors
71412 Energy compensated gm detectorDownload Specifications in .pdf format
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γ探测器 LND714
γ探测器 LND714 γ 探测器LND714
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γ探测器LND714 | 尧熵(上海)电子科技有限公司
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γ盖革管LND714 | 尧熵(上海)电子科技有限公司
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