The isolation and characterization of Pik , a rice blast resistance ...
2010年9月23日 · The rice blast resistance gene Pik, which is one of the five classical alleles located at the Pik locus on the long arm of chromosome 11, confers high and stable resistance to many Chinese rice blast isolates. The isolation and functional characterization of Pik were performed in the present study through genetic and genomic approaches.
Two NLR immune receptors acquired high-affinity binding to a …
2021年7月21日 · Ancestral sequence reconstruction coupled with functional studies showed that two Pik-1 allelic variants independently evolved from a weakly binding ancestral state to high-affinity binding of the blast fungus effector AVR-PikD.
Genetic and physical mapping of a new allele of Pik locus
2015年4月3日 · The new blast resistance gene designated as Pik-l was inferred to be a new allele of Pik locus based on its genomic position and distinct resistance spectra compared to previously known Pik alleles.
The blast pathogen effector AVR-Pik binds and stabilizes rice …
2024年11月18日 · Here, we show that the blast fungus effector AVR-Pik binds a subset of related rice proteins containing a heavy metal-associated (HMA) domain, one of the domains that has repeatedly integrated into plant NLR immune receptors. We find that AVR-Pik binding stabilizes the rice small HMA (sHMA) proteins OsHIPP19 and OsHIPP20.
Multiple variants of the fungal effector AVR-Pik bind the HMA …
2021年1月1日 · Pik-1 contains a noncanonical integrated heavy-metal-associated (HMA) domain, which directly binds AVR-Pik to activate plant defenses. The host targets of AVR-Pik are also HMA-domain-containing proteins, namely heavy-metal-associated isoprenylated plant proteins (HIPPs) and heavy-metal-associated plant proteins (HPPs).
Marker-Assisted Pyramiding of Blast-Resistance Genes in a
2023年2月8日 · Unlike the other-mentioned Pi genes, the function of the Pik locus relies on the presence of two genes, Pik-1 and Pik-2, which are not homologous but are adjacent in the genome, separated by only about 2,5 kb and both required to confer Pik resistance .
稻瘟病抗性基因; 白叶枯病抗性基因Pikp-1#Pikm1-TS#Xa47#Pik-p#Pik-m#Pike-1#Pik-1#Pi-k …
Pik-p 和 Pik-m 是 Pik 位点上的主效抗稻瘟病等位基因,供体品种分别是K60和Tsuyuake。 Minehikari中含有一个与 Pi-k 连锁的抗稻瘟病位点 Pi-m,但后来多个试验表明 Pi-m 与 Pi-k 等位,于是将 Pi-m 重新命名为 Pi-km (Kiyosawa 1978)。 Pi-km 初定位于11号染色体长臂近末端区域,SSR标记RM254和RM144之间,遗传距离分别是13.4 cM和1.2 cM;通过生物信息学分析发展新的分子标记,最终精细定位在BAC克隆OSJNBa0036K13内的84 kb区间内(Li et al. 2007)。
Development and Application of Pik Locus-Specific Molecular
2025年2月15日 · In this study, six sets of gene-specific molecular markers for the Pik locus associated with rice blast resistance were developed based on publicly available gene sequences. Experimental validation confirmed their high accuracy. During the marker development process, a novel haplotype of the Pik locus was identified.
Pikp-2 - GitHub Pages
2015年1月20日 · Characterization of rice blast resistance genes in the Pik cluster and fine mapping of the Pik-p locus, 2009, Phytopathology. The rice NLR pair Pikp-1/Pikp-2 initiates cell death through receptor cooperation rather than negative regulation, 2020, PLoS One.
Two novel gene-specific markers at the Pik locus facilitate the ...
2021年6月1日 · In this study, two PCR-based markers, Pikp-Del and Pi1-In, were developed to target the specific InDel (insertion/deletion) of the Pik-p and Pi-1 genes, respectively. The two markers precisely distinguished Pik-p, Pi-1, and the K-type alleles at the Pik locus, which is a necessary element for functional genes from rice varieties. Results also ...