United States Navy
Access the United States Navy's BUPERS Online (BOL) system for personnel records and performance evaluations.
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OMPF - My Record - MyNavyHR
All active duty and reserve personnel having a BOL account, a Common Access Card (CAC) and a CAC-enabled computer can now view their OMPF record online by selecting the "OMPF - My Record" link...
Home Page - MyNavy Portal
A MyNavy HR account is required to log in CAC-free. If you do not have a MyNavy HR account, please follow the steps below: Log in to MNP with your CAC (low or high bandwidth mode)
Quick Links - MyNavy Portal
A MyNavy HR account is required to log in CAC-free. If you do not have a MyNavy HR account, please follow the steps below: Log in to MNP with your CAC (low or high bandwidth mode)
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MyRecord Overview - MyRecord - MyNavy Portal
BUPERS Online (BOL) View and verify Individual Medical Readiness (IMR), Personnel Summary Record (PSR), and Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). Reservists should verify their Annual...
System Access - MyNavyHR
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System Access/Roles - MyNavyHR
1. ACCESS. Access to the BUPERS Online (BOL) Web Portal hosting the NMCMPS application. NOTE: Civilian and Contract employees will need to request a BOL account via the helpdesk (see below). 2....
BOL - Navy101.com
BOL is very time sensitive, if you're not clicking on something every few minutes it will log you out; BOL can be accessed with Internet Explorer or Google Chrome; This is the path to ODC, OSR, PSR, PRIMS, ASOSH, & OMPF