基石背后的数学:详细推导 Kolmogorov 方程 - 知乎
先给出结论:KFE 就是 KBE 的埃尔米特伴随算子,即: \begin{align} \frac {\partial}{\partial t}p(x,t|x_0,t_0)=\mathcal A^*p(x,t|x_0,t_0) \tag{9} \end{align} 接下来进行证明。
K_fe: Core Loss Coefficient of an Inductor - Page 1 - EEVblog
2019年3月18日 · There is a parameter K_fe, "core loss coefficient" which is necessary to determine the optimal AC flux density for lowest total losses. The book, and countless white-papers I've found online, say "K_fe can be determined from the manufacturer's data" but none of them explain how to do this.
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有机配体对Fe(II)氧化还原性质(MEO测定)的影响-中国地质大学 …
本研究利用这种相关性估计了天然有机质分离物的log (KFe (III)/KFe (II)),表明MEO可用于测定未知配体的铁稳定性常数比。 研究背景:铁作为地壳最丰富的元素之一,常以+II和+III氧化形态存在环境中。 Fe (II)在低pH或厌氧条件下占优势,水相、吸附相和固相Fe...
低分子量有机酸从土壤中释放无机磷,Communications ... - X-MOL
从土壤中释放的 P 量与公开的 Al、Fe 或 Ca 有机复合物形成的稳定性常数(log KAl、log KFe 或 log KCa 值)显着相关。 一般来说,含有α-羧基和β-羟基官能团的脂肪酸或含有邻羟基的酚酸比具有其他官能团组合的类似有机酸更能有效地引起土壤中磷的释放。
Recommendations for best practice for iron speciation by …
Abstract:The method of competitive ligand exchange followed by adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry (CLE-AdCSV) allows for the determination of dissolved iron (DFe) organic speciation parameters, i.e., ligand concentration (L Fe ) and conditional stability constant (log KFe′Lcond ).
stochastic processes - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2016年1月1日 · I am having difficulty in forming Kolmogorov Forward Equations. I understand how the KFE is derived and that $$\frac {d}{ds} p_{ij} (s) = \sum_{k \neq j} p_{ik} (s) \lambda_{k} r_{kj} - p_{ij} (s)\
How to calculate core loss coefficient - Forum for Electronics
2016年7月28日 · Kfe is a parameter that depends on the core material and is extracted from the datasheet for a fixed frequency.
Relationship between temperature and log K(Fe 2+ ) for
Log K(Fe 2+ ) is the equilibrium constant assuming ΣFe = Fe 2+ . from publication: Application of chlorite thermometry to estimation of formation temperature and redox conditions | Diverse ...