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log9 (4) + log3 (x) = 3 solve for x - Math Help Forum
May 2, 2011 · Your second equation confused me for a moment. It didn't print out the way you wanted it to. Here it is, just for clarity: l o g 3 (x) + l o g 3 (4) l o g 3 (9) = 3 You applied your log …
Logarithmic Expression | Math Help Forum
Jul 26, 2012 · How would this be simplified? I understand what would be done if the base on the logarithm were 9 but what happens in a case like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can't get to the same result as lecturer | Math Help Forum
Sep 4, 2018 · At 2mn I can't get to the final expression for x in terms of y, and how the i exponent disappears : y = \frac {1} {3^i} , x=3*4^i , x = 3*\left (\frac {1} {y} \right )^\frac {\log 4} {\log3} As …