SOLUTION: Evaluate: log6 1 - Algebra Homework Help
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Evaluate: log6 1 Let's say this "thing" is x. Then log6 1 = x Then 6^x=1
SOLUTION: what is the answer to log6(1/6)= - Algebra Homework …
Question 285930: what is the answer to log6(1/6)= Answer by Alan3354(69443) (Show Source):
SOLUTION: log6 x + log6 (x - 5) = 1 - Algebra Homework Help
SOLUTION: log6 x + log6 (x - 5) = 1 Algebra -> Logarithm Solvers, Trainers and Word Problems -> SOLUTION: log6 x + log6 (x - 5) = 1 Log On Algebra: Logarithm Section
SOLUTION: what is the value of log6 1/36 - Algebra Homework Help
what is the value of log6 1/36.. log6 1/36 What is the logarithm of 1/36 to the base 6? Change expression into the exponential form The base raised to the logaritlhm of the number is equal …
SOLUTION: log6(2x-5)+1=log6(7x+10) - Algebra Homework Help
Your equation, with its "non-log" term of 1, will be easier to transform into the first form above. For this form we want the "non-log" term on one side and a single logarithm on the other side. So …
SOLUTION: log6 (x+1)+log6(x)=1 - Algebra Homework Help
Question 136175: log6 (x+1)+log6(x)=1 Found 2 solutions by Fombitz, Lightning_Fast: Answer by Fombitz ...
SOLUTION: Solve for x Log6 (x) = log6 (36) - log6 (1/6) please …
Log6(x) = log6(36) - log6(1/6) please explain and show work thanks This question is from textbook Amscos Preparing for the Regents Examination Mathematics B Found 2 solutions by …
SOLUTION: log6(x+3) + log6(x+4)=1 - Algebra Homework Help
You can put this solution on YOUR website! x = -6 and -1 Check: x = -1 only
SOLUTION: Solve Log6(x+3) + Log6(x-2) = 1 * 6 is the base for …
Algebra -> Logarithm Solvers, Trainers and Word Problems -> SOLUTION: Solve Log6(x+3) + Log6(x-2) = 1 * 6 is the base for both logs Log On Algebra: Logarithm Section Solvers Solvers
SOLUTION: Log6-log6(x-1)=1 - Algebra Homework Help
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Log_6 - log_6(x-1)= 1 Use the property of subtraction for logs. I will use log_6 to mean "log base 6."