Locala Health & Wellbeing
Locala Health & Wellbeing is a not-for-profit community healthcare provider. We are proud to provide a variety of NHS and local authority services to care for and support people of all …
Contact Us - Locala
Most of our services are included in the Community Health and Care Hub (previously SPOC) number below (including District Nursing, Podiatry, Continence, Adult and Children's …
Locala walk-in centre - NHS Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group
A walk-in centre gives you fast and convenient access to local NHS services, information and treatment without needing an appointment. You don’t need to book or register, just walk in and …
Local healthcare services - NHS England
CCGs plan and buy the majority of local healthcare services for people in your area, including those provided in hospitals and community settings. Your CCG may have a number of ways …
NHS website for England - NHS
Find out about conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help. Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, and possible side effects. If you're …
Regional teams - NHS England
Our regional teams are responsible for the quality, financial and operational performance of all NHS organisations in their region, drawing on the expertise and support of our corporate …
深思细解英国医疗服务体系(NHS) - 健康界
Step Into The NHS :: How to find and contact your local trusts
To find out about the NHS trusts in your area, visit nhs.uk. You can apply through your school or college careers teacher/co-ordinator or by applying directly to the trust. You can find contact …
Local Accreditation - NHS England
In its simplest form, locally drive ward and unit accreditation is: the development of a set of standards so that areas for improvement can be identified and areas of excellence celebrated. …
Patient Access - GP appointments & prescriptions online
Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your …