1v1.LOL | Building Simulator, Battle Royale & Shooting Game
Discover 1v1, the online building simulator & third person shooting game. Battle royale, build fight, box fight, zone wars and more game modes to enjoy!
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V11.11 | League of Legends Wiki
Rotating Game Mode: Nexus Blitz returns to live servers from May 27, 2021 to June 28, 2021. The build tree has been upgraded to put some respect on the final item (it's larger) as well as accommodate taller trees. Mythic items with an active now have their own special Mythic active border to differentiate them from the normal active items.
Patch 11.11 notes - League of Legends
With the preseason item changes (aka losing Rod of Ages and Seraph’s Embrace’s shield) and patch 11.10’s nerf to Phase Rush, Ryze lost movement speed and health, leaving him feeling blue. We’re padding up his defenses to put some color back in his cheeks.
Patch 11.1 notes - League of Legends
2021年1月6日 · Take this portal to the last TFT patch notes before the Festival of Beasts! Marauder Kled, Marauder Kalista, Marauder Xin Zhao, Warden Quinn, and Warden Gragas will be available on January 7, 2021. W cooldown increased. Fiddlesticks has been reaping too many rewards in the new jungle. Mega Gnar Q base damage and slow increased.
League of Legends Homepage
Clear your lane, dive into epic 5v5 team fights, and destroy the enemy nexus before they destroy yours. Assemble a squad of champions that battle on your behalf. Outlast all seven of your …
11.11&双城之战四重礼赠 - 英雄联盟官方网站
2024年11月8日 · 英雄联盟官方网站,风靡全球的MOBA竞技网游,全球召唤师热爱集结地。 公平竞技英雄对战,全球角逐电竞荣耀,还有神秘的英雄联盟宇宙等你来探索! 无限热爱,无限可能!
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OP.GG LOL英雄联盟 「{{mode}}」英雄分析 - 最新版本的Meta和T0 …
LOL英雄联盟 最新版本 「 { {mode}}」模式的T0英雄和强度排行. 通过最新版本最佳的构建、强化符文、装备、技能分析提高胜率。