Is there a way to save Louis? : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
Welcome to r/TheWalkingDeadGame! The Walking Dead is an episodic adventure game developed by Telltale Games.
Character Discussion #56 - Louis : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
2019年9月3日 · I saved louis cause i thought violet would be able to handle herself better in the delta than louis. I did prevent him from losing his finger i let aj bite that bitches ear off. At first no so i didnt trust aj but as soon as louis died i,ll admit i instantly restarted the episode no way jose was louis dying on my watch.
Some fun facts about Louis/scenes with Louis : r ... - Reddit
2021年11月30日 · Concerning both Louis and Violet: the devs considered the outcome that Louis or Violet could reject Clementine's confession based on choices you made with them, but they decided against it as that would mean the player would have to redo the whole game if you did want a relationship with one of them and accidentally made the wrong choices, so ...
Ultimate Violet or Louis post : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
2021年1月27日 · Louis has been Marlon's best friend since before the apocalypse event started. AJ straight up murders Marlon, and it is Clementine's fault for teaching the demon child the wrong things. If I was Louis, and my best friend was murdered by some people I met TWO days ago, in that situation I would not be angry if he were to kill them.
So.... Louis or Violet? : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
Louis instantly realises something is up, walkings up to the cabin door and inspects the lock. Louis sees it is busted, motions to Clem to instantly be quiet and acts with both of them entering the cabin to see what has happened. Inside the cabin, he instantly sees it is ransacked and that it isn't normal and runs outside to check the perimeter.
Violet or Louis? Who you choose? Why? : r/TheWalkingDeadGame …
I’ll pick Louis ever single time. Clem has been through so much shit and has never really had a chance to feel like a teenager. Louis is able to make Clem laugh, and he makes her do goofy shit, and he cares a lot for AJ. I feel like Louis just gives Clem the …
About Louis' capture *SPOILERS* : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
2019年1月19日 · The only thing I concede is that mental trauma isn't that different from a bullet wound. Louis may come out physically unscathed, but getting Violet back may be more difficult because of her issues with trusting people. Louis is more forgiving in spite of what happened because he can more easily put himself in Clementine's position.
Saving the b*tch VS Louis : r/TheWalkingDeadGame - Reddit
That scene where Louis has his tongue cut off is probably the most horrifying thing ive seen from Telltale. If you save Violet, it’s all sunshine and rainbows except for Louis who gets his tongue cut out and is completely traumatised. If you save Louis, you get a pissy Violet but Louis is okay. Which makes sense because Louis NEEDS SAVED.
[404 Spoilers] This is what Louis’s note to Clem said.
2019年3月26日 · 💀damn that’s tough I never picked Violet she was an asshole even when you save her she’s still a jerk at least Louis is respectful even when you kill 2 of his friends he gets over it and apologizes. I would’ve maybe picked Violet if her character was different I …
(TWD: The Final Season) Who did you choose; Violet or Louis?
2020年10月22日 · Louis also gives his remaining food to AJ at the start, makes AJ happy, took care of AJ at the start, has backed up Clem and AJ a lot, carried AJ when he was shot, was next to AJ when he was shot, brought some clothes for him, and has tried to lighten everyone's mood. In the zombie apocalypses, you need a guy like Louis, believe me.