The low-lying electronic states of BeCl: Potential energy curves ...
2013年1月1日 · In this work, using a highly correlated theoretical approach, we present potential energy curves for a manifold of low-lying electronic states of BeCl extending from short internuclear distances until dissociation that can account in a reliable way for the observed electronic spectra of this species, especially the characterization of regions ...
Ultra-low viscosity betaine hydrochloride-formic acid deep …
2024年6月1日 · In this study, a new type of DES (BeCl:FA) with excellent leaching ability and extremely low viscosity was developed to extract critical metals from spent LIBs. The leaching results revealed that the Li, Mn, Co, and Ni leaching efficiencies from NCM811 cathode material reached 98.03, 96.01, 94.19, and 92.35%, respectively, whereas those of ...
Ultra-low viscosity betaine hydrochloride-formic acid deep …
In this study, a new type of DES, consisting of betaine hydrochloride (BeCl) and formic acid (FA) in a 1BeCl:9FA molar ratio, was designed to leach critical metals from spent LIBs cathode materials. The study found that the as-prepared DESs exhibited extremely low viscosities and strong coordination abilities, which are suitable for metal leaching.
MRCI calculations for BeCl electronic excited states - 物理学报
Potential energy curves (PECs)for the ground state and several low-lying electronic excited states of BeCl molecule are calculated using the multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI)method with the basis set of aug-cc-pVTZ where the Davidson correction is considered as an approximation to full CI.
3.1.4: Breaking the Octet Rule in Hypovalent Atoms
2024年7月26日 · In contrast to BeF 2, solid BeCl 2 is a 1-dimensional polymer consisting of edge-shared tetrahedral. In the gas phase, BeCl 2 exists as a dimer with two chlorine atoms bridging two Be atoms. In the dimer, the Be atoms are 3-coordinate.
Electronic Structure and Dipole Moment Calculations of the …
The electronic structure of the molecule BeCl have been investigated by using the Complete Active Space Self Consistent Field (CASSCF) with Multireference Configuration Interaction MRCI+Q (singly and doubly excitation with Davidson corrections).
Why is the melting point of BaCl2 > BeCl2 while CsCl<NaCl
2017年9月17日 · When comparing ionic compounds to molecules, the ionic compounds typically have a much higher melting point (with exceptions; both low-melting ionic compounds and high-melting molecular compounds). Arright, that explains it for BeCl2 but what about CaCl2 (I don't think this dimerises, does it?) ?
Beryllium chloride - Wikipedia
Beryllium chloride is an inorganic compound with the formula BeCl 2. It is a colourless, hygroscopic solid that dissolves well in many polar solvents. Its properties are similar to those of aluminium chloride, due to beryllium's diagonal relationship with aluminium.
beryllium chloride - NIST Chemistry WebBook
Formula: BeCl 2; Molecular weight: 79.918; CAS Registry Number: 7787-47-5; Information on this page: Notes; Other data available: Gas phase thermochemistry data; Condensed phase thermochemistry data; Gas phase ion energetics data; Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels; Options: Switch to calorie-based units
Beryllium chloride reacts vigorously and exothermically with water with the evolution of acidic, steamy hydrogen chloride gas. This is typical of covalent chlorides. In the first instance, it reacts to give hydrated beryllium ions, [Be (H 2 O) 4] 2+, and chloride ions.
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