A Low G Bari? | Sax on the Web Forum
2008年2月12日 · I heard a crazy rumor at the repair shop on Saturday: A local university, SIUE - Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, purchased a custom low G bari, possibly from Yamaha. Does such an animal exist, assuming you have the funds? My neck and shoulders started aching immediately
Playing Low G on Bari (like below low A) : r/Saxophonics - Reddit
2018年1月28日 · Just play it an octave above. You could use some techniques to play it like the pvc pipe trick (NickMasonMusic) or tartini tones, but I wouldn't expect to much. Strange how all these composers lack the essential knowledge for composing. I needed a low G # recently so I hung a paper towel from the music stand (shaped to my bell).
playing the low G on the bari. sax - 8notes.com
2005年7月16日 · There are saxophones lower than the bari (bass, contrabass, sub-contrabass) which can handle the extreme lower end of the note spectrum. However, it is possible to play low G on a bari. I`ve done it, believe it or not.
Need to get to a low G on bari sax for Mars : r/saxophone - Reddit
2021年2月25日 · There's not really a good way to do it without getting rid of the A as well. You can put some sort of extension in the bell like a cone or piece of brass and that can bring the pitch down but then you don't have a low A but if you don't need to play it, then it wouldn't be a problem
Altissimo Fingerings for Baritone Saxophone - JoanMF
Here's the fingerings chart with quarter-tones I use to play the altissimo register of the baritone saxophone. I hope it helps you!
Shipping tube or traffic cone for low G? | Sax on the Web Forum
2021年8月2日 · I've made low A's for bari and bass and had much more success with cylinder shapes than cones. So I'd put some weather stripping on a shipping tube (much lighter than PVC). A good seal is critical. However, in the video linked in that thread they use a very long cone with a very gradual slope. So that sort of cone would probably work well.
Quick! Low G and A on tenor - Sax on the Web Forum
2009年1月29日 · your axe goes to Bb and that's it! indeed, you can get a low A on your horn with either your foot in your bell or use your throat and lips. low Ab and low G are not possible. it's very simple.
How do you play a low G on a Baritone Sax???? - 8notes.com
2005年5月28日 · The simple answer is, no. A baritone saxophone cannot go that low. The lowest note that a bari has ever been made to play is an A (concert C). Just play the note an octave up, and if your director questions you, just tell him what I just wrote. Thomas
A question regarding the lowest note on a Baritone Saxophone... - Reddit
2021年7月12日 · Many bari’s go to their low A. It works well in certain keys, but while a lower note is technically possible for other custom baris, those are pretty rare. Some players add a traffic cone to go deeper, but it steals the lowest note. I have a all one that gets me down to low G, bit at the expense of low A. And there is no low G# in between.
Baritone Saxophone Range (How High And Low Can You Go?)
Some baritone saxophones can play low A as their lowest note, and some can only reach low B-flat. The highest note a baritone saxophone can hit is typically a high F-sharp. To reach these low and high notes, many saxophones– including the baritone– will have keys specifically in place to make that possible.