LPKF: PCB Prototype Technology/Laser Material Processing
As a leading provider of laser manufacturing solutions, LPKF Laser & Electronics helps to create more powerful electronic systems and increase functionality and efficiency for a broad range of applications and industries. Redefining PCB depaneling! Discover new dimensions! All key figures & information for shareholders.
LPKF ProtoMat Circuit Board Plotter | LPKF - lpkfusa.com
Made in Europe: LPKF circuit board plotters have been considered the benchmark for milling, drilling and contour milling of PCBs for more than four decades. All LPKF structuring systems are supplied with a comprehensive software package, optimized for …
TGV玻璃通孔_电路板雕刻机_玻璃微加工_电路板打样设备_实验室加工电路板_激光塑料焊接_德国LPKF …
作为激光加工解决方案的行业领导者,lpkf帮助客户建立了功能强大的电子系统且增强了功能性,高效率地实现了在工业领域的广泛应用。 产业和技术 电子生产制造
Why in-house PCB prototyping? - lpkfusa.com
LPKF's benchtop PCB prototyping systems provide the ideal in-house research and development solution for virtually any engineering environment. Every LPKF ProtoMat® is built to be the best of its class, with thousands of the individually calibrated systems installed world-wide.
Manufacture PCB prototypes quickly in-house - LPKF
Rework, adjust, trim and tune existing PCB's; Compatibility to any CAD program using standardized file formats; Mill, drill, and route - the ProtoMat ® functions as a PCB router and circuit tracer; Convenience right in your own lab
多功能pcb电路板雕刻机作为桌面系统,适用于任何开发环境,涵盖从模拟电路到射频应用的全部范围。 LPKF电路板雕刻机 可靠、强大且兼容
LPKF ProtoMat S64 制作高性能电路板_德国LPKF乐普科
高速主轴可以完成精细的线路雕刻,最小线宽线距可达100um (4mil),主轴故障率低。 作为设备的有效补充,真空吸附台和焊膏分配器使得S64如虎添翼。 6万转的主轴转速,保证了精确的几何尺寸,也大大缩短了电路板加工时间。 主轴的低故障率,究其原因,主要是因为气动自清洁功能和深度限位传感器的应用。 花岗岩台面不限于温湿度的变化,形变小,基础精度高,大大保证了系统的高精度和被加工材料的一致性。 15把刀具随意更换——如有需要,在加工过程中,可以随意 …
In-House PCB Milling Machines | LPKF USA
LPKF's family of rapid PCB prototyping systems provides ideal R&D equipment for virtually any engineering environment. Each system is individually calibrated at the manufacturing site to provide maximum positioning accuracy and feature resolution.
LPKF PCB Prototype Technology & Laser Material Processing
As a leading provider of laser manufacturing solutions, LPKF Laser & Electronics helps to create more powerful electronic systems and increase functionality and efficiency for a broad range of applications and industries. All key figures & information for shareholders.
PCB milling & structuring - Create circuit boards - LPKF
Mechanical or laser systems enable single-sided and double-sided PCBs, multilayers, high-capacity circuits, RF and microwave PCBs, and rigid and flex PCBs to be manufactured – thus offering exciting options for electronic products.