Optics for Hunting, Tactical, Marine, Adventure | Steiner High …
Steiner manufactures trusted, high-quality binoculars, riflescopes, eOptics, laser devices and battle lights for life's defining moments. Explore our extensive range of optics, categorized by activity, to meet the demands of hunters, military and tactical professionals, adventurers, and marine enthusiasts alike.
AN/PVS-21 LPNVG STS Low Profile Night Vision Goggle w/HUD
The AN/PVS-21 is a Low Profile Night Vision Goggle that utilizes sensor fusion technology to move the image intensifier tubes out of line with the optics creating two very unique benefits. First, it allows the width of the unit to be significantly shorter than most other NVG’s.
美军AN/PVS21 LPNVG夜视仪_附件工具_战甲军品资料网
2015年3月28日 · AN/PVS21 LPNVG夜视镜是由美国STS公司研制生产的低剖面夜视镜,这种夜视镜是一种双光路(双目)微光像增强夜视镜。 他拥有专利的而又复杂的折叠光学光通设计,实现了Low Profile(低剖面),这种扁平化的技术的好处很多,比如消除了管状视差,对于头盔或者面架的中心改变较小,提高了佩戴舒适度等,而缺点就是多达7个镜片的折叠光通道在夜间观察时遇到路灯一类的照明物时有一点的眩光和鬼影,而这在军用设计的望远镜上也时有发生。 …
STS AN/PVS-21 Low Profile NVG – KommandoStore
About the AN/PVS-21 LPNVG. The PVS-21s was part of a wave of different designs competing in the early 2000s to be the next big thing in the night vision world. Compelling features include the much lower profile to the user's face allowing for easier passive aiming, articulating eyepieces to remove the need to stow the device when not in use ...
AN/PVS-21 Low Profile NVG | Steiner High-Quality Optics - Steiner …
The AN/PVS-21 Low Profile Night Vision Goggle has been designed for aggressive special operations capability in air, water, and land environments. The patented low profile design …
夜视仪中的黑科技——AN/PVS-21微光夜视仪_附件工具_战甲军品 …
2016年6月25日 · STS公司的LPNVG是世界上唯一带有平视显示器的产品,可显示GPS数据或热像等视频信号,并直接与使用者的夜视图像相叠加。 该夜视眼镜使用获得专利的折叠光学系统,两个像增强管垂直(而不是水平)放置,每个像增强管的前端物镜位于面颊两侧。
Store – Gear Central Supply
The AN/PVS-21 LPNVG is unlike any other night vision system. Designed for aggressive special operations, it features incredible characteristics found only in this incredible unit. The AN/PVS-21 is a Low Profile Night Vision Goggle that utilizes sensor fusion technology to move the image intensifier tubes out of line with the optics creating two ...
FMA Airsoft Hunting Tactical AN/PVS21 LPNVG Night Vision …
2019年6月1日 · The AN/PVS21 LPNVG is unlike any other night vision system. Designed for aggressive special operations, First, it allows the width of the unit to be significantly shorter than most other night vision system.
Steiner AN/PVS-21 Low Profile Night Vision Goggles
The AN/PVS-21 Low Profile Night Vision Goggle has been designed for aggressive special operations capability in air, water, and land environments. The patented low profile design offers 3-4 inches less protrusion than conventional night vision goggles enabling a wide range of mission applications. Features.
An/pvs-21 Lpnvg Sts Low Profile Night Vision Goggle
The AN/PVS-21 is a Low Profile Night Vision Goggle that utilizes sensor fusion technology to move the image intensifier tubes out of line with the optics creating two very unique benefits. First, it allows the width of the unit to be significantly shorter than most other NVGs.