造血干/祖细胞对巨核细胞谱系的承诺 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在骨髓分支中,CMPs 产生了 2 个更多的受限祖细胞,即巨核细胞-红细胞祖细胞 (MEPs) 和粒细胞-巨噬细胞祖细胞 (GMPs),其中MEPs 产生了红细胞祖细胞和单能巨核细胞前体。 图 1A)。 8、9、28. 尽管经典的造血模型在其谱系潜力的二元概念中很简单,但这种造血模型已受到新祖种群鉴 …
Review The multifaceted role of mitochondria in HSC fate …
2023年12月1日 · In HSC-enriched LSK cells, MTCH2 limits the expression of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex to maintain low-OXPHOS levels and low MMP [33]. In addition, MTCH2 maintains balanced NAD/NADH levels for optimum redox control to limit mitochondrial ROS (reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial volume and thus prevents abnormal LSK proliferation.
Identification of HSC/MPP expansion units in fetal liver by ... - Nature
2021年8月2日 · Limited knowledge of cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying hematopoietic stem cell and multipotent progenitor (HSC/MPP) expansion within their native niche has impeded the application of...
Mitochondrial Potentiation Ameliorates Age-Related …
2021年2月4日 · We show that mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) can be used to prospectively isolate chronologically old HSCs with transcriptional features and functional attributes characteristic of young HSCs, including a high rate of transcription and balanced lineage-affiliated programs.
Functional dissection of hematopoietic stem cell populations with …
2017年9月12日 · Moreover, LSK cells, which include both HSCs and MPPs (together known as HSPCs), showed the highest expression among BM cells (Fig. 1c). In the myeloid lineage, LSK cells differentiate into...
Myeloid Lineage Commitment from the Hematopoietic Stem Cell
2007年6月22日 · Because the LSK population contains all multipotent precursors including LT-HSCs, ST-HSCs, and MPPs, lineage-restricted progenitor populations were first sought outside the LSK fraction. A series of efforts focused on the isolation of lineage-committed progenitors resulted in the successful isolation of the CLP ( Kondo et al., 1997 ).
Mouse multipotent progenitor 5 cells are located at the interphase ...
2021年6月10日 · Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and distinct multipotent progenitor (MPP) populations (MPP1-4) contained within the Lin-Sca-1+c-Kit+ (LSK) compartment have previously been identified using diverse surface-marker panels. Here, we phenotypically define and functionally characterize MPP5 (LSK CD34+CD13 …
Nynrin preserves hematopoietic stem cell function by inhibiting …
2024年7月1日 · Flow cytometry demonstrated substantial recovery in the proportions of LSKs, Cd34 − LSK, HSCs, and progenitor cells (Figures 6D–6H). Additionally, Ppif haploinsufficiency reduced ROS levels and inhibited mPTP activation, significantly restoring MMP in the double knockout HSCs (Figures 6I–6Q).
Hematopoietic developmental pathways: on cellular basis
2007年10月15日 · The CD34 + LSK population, termed as the MPP, is composed of multiple progenitor populations. The LMPP is the MPP population expressing Flt3, and is largely committed to the myelo-lymphoid...
科研 | CELL STEM CELL:线粒体影响与年龄相关的造血干细胞功能 …
2021年4月20日 · 本研究表明,线粒体膜电位(MMP)可用于前瞻性分离老年的HSC和具有转录特征和功能属性的年轻HSC。 MMP是比实足年龄这个因素更强能决定HSC定量和定性转录状态因素,在其天然微环境内操纵HSC中MMP的转录后果表明存在因果关系。 因此,研究表明,老年HSCs中MMP的药理作用增强可增加移植后的植入潜能,并在稳定状态下逆转由骨髓偏向的外周血输出。 本研究证明MMP是老HSC异质性的来源,它的药理学操作可以改变转录程序,对HSC …