Lu Ji (Shiheng) - Wikipedia
Lu Ji (c. 261 – c. November 303 [1]), courtesy name Shiheng, was a Chinese essayist, military general, politician, and writer who lived during the late Three Kingdoms period and Jin dynasty of China.
陆机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陆机出身吳中名门,祖父陆逊曾任东吴 丞相、上大將軍;父陆抗曾任东吴大司马,领兵与晉国羊祜对抗。 父亲死的时候陆机十四岁,与其弟分领父兵,为牙门将。20岁时,吴亡,陆机与其弟陆云隐退故里,十年闭门勤学,期間兩人經常來到由拳县郊外的华亭遊玩 [1] 。
Lu Ji | Tang Dynasty, Poetry, Criticism | Britannica
Lu Ji was a renowned Chinese literary critic and the first important writer to emerge from the kingdom of Wu (222–280). Grandson of the great Lu Xun, one of the founders of the Wu kingdom, and fourth son of Lu Kang, the Wu commander in chief, Lu Ji …
陆机(261年-303年),字士衡, 吴郡 吴县(今江苏苏州)人 [1] [3],因祖父 陆逊 初封华亭侯,亦作 华亭 (今上海松江)人 [66]。 西晋 官员、文学家、书法家。 [71] 陆机出身江南大族 吴郡陆氏,为孙吴丞相陆逊之孙、大司马 陆抗 第四子。 与其弟 陆云 合称“ 二陆 ”,又同 顾荣 、陆云并称“ 洛阳三俊 ”。 在孙吴时曾任 牙门将,吴亡后出仕西晋,太康十年(289年),陆机兄弟来到洛阳,文才倾动一时,受太常 张华 赏识,此后名气大振。 时有“二陆入洛,三张减价”之说。 历任 …
Lu Ji (Gongji) - Wikipedia
Lu Ji (188–219), courtesy name Gongji, was a Chinese politician and scholar serving under the warlord Sun Quan in the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. He was also one of the 24 Filial Exemplars .
Lu Ji: Recovering from Illness – China Online Museum
Lu Ji (陸機, 261–303), Jin Dynasty (266–420) Album leaf mounted as a handscroll, ink on paper, 23.7 x 20.6 cm, The Palace Museum, Beijing Lu Ji, a native of Huating (now part of Shanghai), came from an eminent family: his grandfather Lu Xun (陸遜) and his father, Lu Kang (陸抗), were famous Wu generals.
陆机 (261年-303年),字士衡,吴郡吴县华亭(今上 海 市 松 江区)人,西晋著名文学家、书法家。 出身吴郡陆氏,为孙吴丞相陆逊之孙、大司 马 陆抗第四子,与其弟 陆云 合称“二陆”,又与顾荣、 陆云 并称“ 洛阳 三俊”。 陆机 在孙吴时曾任牙门将,吴亡后出仕西晋,太康十年(289年), 陆机 兄弟 来到洛阳,文才倾动一时,受太常 张华 赏识,此后名气大振。 时有“二陆入洛,三张减价”之说。 历任任太傅祭 酒 、吴国郎中令、著作郎等职,与贾谧等结为“金谷二十四友”。 …
Lu Ji - Wikipedia
Lu Ji may refer to: Lu Ji (Gongji) (陸績), courtesy name Gongji (公紀), Eastern Wu official, one of The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars; Lu Ji (Shiheng) (陸機), courtesy name Shiheng (士衡), Eastern Wu and Jin Dynasty poet
Chinese Calligrapher: Lu Ji (陆机) - Chinese Calligraphy
Lu Ji (261-303), courtesy name Shiheng, was a native of Wu County (now Suzhou, Jiangsu Province). Because it was once the plain's inner history, it is called Lu Pingyuan in the world. He is "a rare genius, with the best articles in the world" ("Jin Shu Lu Ji Biography").
Lu Ji (Lu Chi) 261-303 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lu Ji (Lu Chi) 261-303 Came from one of the most important families in the state of Wu, but Wu was defeated by the Jin in 280, and it was in their service that he became a prominent official and writer. He is best known for his fu on literature and his poems written in imitation of the anonymous 'ancient poems'. He had a distinguished career as ...