Lu Zhishen - Wikipedia
Lu Zhishen is a fictional character in Water Margin, one of the four great classical novels in Chinese literature. He is the main character in the first segment of the novel, which spans about six chapters.
鲁智深,本名鲁达, 施耐庵 所著 古典小说 《水浒传》中的人物。 一百单八将之一,绰号花和尚。 原本是渭州经略府提辖,因打抱不平三拳打死了 镇关西 郑屠,为躲避官府缉捕出家做了和尚,法名智深。 因不守清规,无法在五台山容身,只得携 智真长老 书信到东京大相国寺看菜园子。 后于野猪林搭救 林冲,流落江湖,与 杨志 、 武松 一同在 二龙山 落草。 三山聚义后加入 梁山泊。 梁山大聚义时,排第十三位,上应天孤星,担任步军头领。 梁山接受招安,鲁智深在征四寇战 …
《水浒传》鲁智深论-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务平台
摘要 《水浒传》中的鲁智深是一个异于其他好汉的光辉形象,在他的身上有济公和尚、孙悟空、六祖慧能、堂吉诃德的影子。 智深是一个天生就有佛性的人,他有深厚的山水情怀。 智深与其师智真长老并不是同一个辈份。 他在拳打镇关西时开始点化郑屠,... 展开更多 《水浒传》中的鲁智深是一个异于其他好汉的光辉形象,在他的身上有济公和尚、孙悟空、六祖慧能、堂吉诃德的影子。 智深是一个天生就有佛性的人,他有深厚的山水情怀。 智深与其师智真长老并不是同一个辈份。 他 …
Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong’s Stories – Adapted Water Margin
2022年1月29日 · Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were drinking wine and enjoying a meal together when Lin’s maid came to tell him that someone was taunting his wife. Lin and Lu both grabbed their weapons and went to the scene to fight whoever the perpetrator was.
The Good-Bad Monk Lu Zhishen - Shen Yun Performing Arts
2011年7月24日 · One hundred and eight “heroes” form the main characters in the classic Chinese novel Outlaws of the Marsh. Unlucky number 13 is Lu Zhishen, a brash 8-foot-tall giant who loved to drink. Lu Zhishen was good at being bad, and bad at being good.
The story of Lu Zhishen
Lǔ Zhìshēn (鲁智深), nicknamed the "Flowery Monk" (花和尚), or Sagacious Lu (the name his abbot gave him) is a major fictional character in the classic Chinese novel Water Margin. He is the lead in the first major story cycle of novel, in which he comes to epitomize loyalty, strength, justice but also rash action.
Lu Zhishens Nirvana: The Path of Practice from Boldness ... - 趣历 …
2024年7月19日 · His attainment of round and silent is not only a result of his personal cultivation, but also a profound exploration of humanity and Buddhism in "Water Margin." Through understanding Lu Zhishen's story, we can gain a deeper understanding of the path of cultivation and liberation in Buddhism.
Lu Zhishen - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年9月26日 · Lu Zhishen, nicknamed Flowery Monk, is a fictional character in Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. He is the lead character in the first major story cycle of the novel, in which he epitomises loyalty, strength and justice, but also brashness. He ranks 13th
Lu Zhishen – Water Margin | Study in China
2023年2月13日 · “Lu Zhishen” is a fictional character in the classic Chinese novel “Water Margin.” He is one of the 108 stars of destiny who are said to have risen against the government and banded together at Mount Liang (also known as Mount Liangshan) to …
Lu Zhishen: The Pride and Loyalty of Flower Monk - iMedia - 頭條匯
2025年1月10日 · In the classic novel "Water Margin", which is full of heroes, Lu Zhishen, a Liangshan hero nicknamed "Flowery Monk", has become a heroic role model in the hearts of countless people with his unique personality, extraordinary martial arts and full of righteousness.