[逃离塔科夫研究#1] 鲁格CCI弹现实原型研究 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月16日 · 在《逃离塔科夫》游戏中,有一款叫做“Luger CCI”的9x19 Para口径的子弹,本次原型研究针对其现实原型做一次简单的介绍。 Luger CCI. 在游戏中,该款弹药的基础伤害为70,护甲穿透为10,是一款标准的“修脚弹”,游戏将其涂上了醒目的蓝色标记以作区分,看起来是一款很标准的FMJ弹,可是现实中的“CCI”子弹却和游戏里所表现的大相径庭。 现实中该款子弹实际上并不叫作Luger CCI,它也不是鲁格生产的,CCI也不是子弹的名字,而是生产这种弹药 …
9x19mm Luger CCI - The Official Escape from Tarkov Wiki
9x19mm Luger CCI (Luger CCI) is a 9x19mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. A 9x19mm Luger cartridge with a special heavy bullet; marked with a blue tip, manufactured by CCI. Despite the heavy bullet on this cartridge, it still has an average muzzle velocity relative to …
9x19毫米 Luger CCI - 逃離塔科夫 中文維基
9x19毫米 Luger CCI 是逃離塔科夫中的一種 9x19毫米彈藥。 CCI (Cascade Cartridge Inc.) 生產的9x19毫米魯格(Luger) 彈藥,有著藍色標記的特殊重型子彈。 儘管有著重型彈頭,這顆子彈與其他相同口徑彈藥相較之下仍然保有一般的槍口初速,這賦予了它相當的制止力,在擊中 ...
Why are the Luger CCI so deadly? - AUTOPSY OF A ROUND
2018年12月25日 · With the SP7 and SP12, the Luger CCI is the most powerful small caliber ammunition. But why? Not much is said about it in the description, so I looked it up for you. Designed for home defense, this cartridge features compressed #12 shot inside of a cooper jacket sealed up by a blue polymer ball.
9x19毫米 Luger CCI_9x19_子弹_逃离塔科夫Wiki,逃离塔科夫中 …
2023年10月5日 · CCI生产的9x19毫米Luger弹 ,是一种带有蓝色标记的特种重型子弹。 藏身处制作
9x19 RIP、QuakeMaker、Luger CCI伤害对比 - 百度贴吧
9x19 RIP、Q..哦哦哦哦哦!!看完才想起来昨晚上三点多澳服,我scav 出生在村里。看见没装的两个手槍冲过去村后山,我打他们,他们就躲起来不还手。最后把他们打死了。身上一样东西也没有,只有手槍,一个拿7N31. 一个
CCI 9mm Luger Ammo - Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore
9mm Luger ammo is the most widely used handgun cartridge in the world. Order 9mm Luger ammunition for your pistol today from Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore.
9x19mm Luger CCI - Tarkov Market
2025年2月14日 · 9x19mm Luger CCI - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters
Buy CCI Ammunition 9mm Luger Ammo - OpticsPlanet
CCI Ammunition 9m Luger Ammo is an excellent choice for shooters who want guaranteed accuracy and consistency while range training. Our collection of 9mm pistol ammo from CCI Ammunition features some of their most popular cartridges including Blazer Aluminum that offers reliable precision at a fraction of the cost.
Shop products in 9mm Luger today | CCI Ammunition
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