LVT3 Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Unarmored (Mark III) - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · Beginning in 1949, 1200 LVT3s were converted to LVT3 (C) standard by the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. A modified form of the LVT3C was used in the Inchon Landing and as an armored personnel carrier...
LVT-3 Bushmaster (1943) - tank-afv.com
US Marine Corps LVT-3 at Okinawa 1945. A former LVT-3C now part of a private collection, painted and overhauled, now exhibited at public displays. All Tiger tanks liveries. Panther liveries and variants. Tanks and armored vehicles in general are only really grasped when seen first person: The mass, the scale, it's all there.
LVT-3C Bushmaster - The Historical Marker Database
In 1949, the Marine Corps implemented plans to modernize the LVT-3 by adding overhead armor to protect the troop bay. This 1950 modification resulted in 1,200 LVT-3s, redesignated the LVT-3C Bushmaster. A bushmaster is a large, venomous snake of tropical America.
LVT3 - afvdb.50megs.com
2022年2月23日 · Compared to the LVT2 and LVT4, the LVT3's driver was placed close to the vehicle's bow, which improved visibility. Applique armor has been mounted on the lower surface of the cab front on this machine. The tracks of the LVT3 are double-pin and rubber bushed, in contrast to those found on the earlier types of amphibians.
Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
LVT (A)-4 amtank at Iwo Jima beach, c. February/March 1945. The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked (LVT or AMTRAC) is an amphibious warfare vehicle and amphibious landing craft, introduced by the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. (The USN and USMC use "L" to designate Amphibious vessels, also called "L class".)
朝鲜战争中的美军坦克装甲车 - 百家号
2018年7月14日 · lvt系列履带式登陆车: 美军在仁川登陆和向汉城进攻的渡江行动中使用了这种系列车辆。其中,lvt3c型该车战斗全重16.15吨,乘员3人,装载重量4吨。lvt(a)4型战斗全重18吨,乘员6人,装1门75毫米火炮和3挺机枪。
建国初期我军装备的美制LVT系列两栖战车 - 百家号
2021年4月30日 · LVT3型车体安装了匀质钢装甲和潜望镜,载货舱移到最后,尾部增加跳板式尾门,最大战斗全重增至17.5吨,能够运输30名士兵或4吨货物。 发动机舱移至中部两侧浮箱内,换装两台功率分别为110匹马力的凯迪拉克8缸汽油发动机。 此外,还大量采用M3型轻型坦克的零部件,提高了通用性。 武器为2挺M2型重机枪。 和LVT系列两栖战车一样,LVT3型也有很多改型,在此限于篇幅,不再一一赘述。 LVT3型在冲绳战役中首次使用并担任主力,总产量将近3000辆 …
坦克装甲专题_新浪网 - 新浪军事频道
2004年12月12日 · LVT3自重为13吨,战斗全重为17.5吨,乘员3人 (车长、驾驶员、副驾驶员),可搭载24名士兵或运送4吨作战物资,或装运1辆吉普车。 它的最大特点是:将发动机从车体后部移到中部两侧的空气浮箱内,并增加了跳板式尾门,这样做的好处是增大了车内的空间,可以搭载更多的人员和作战物资,也为开跳板式尾门创造了条件;广泛采用M5A1轻型坦克的零部件,而LVT2则广泛采用M3中型坦克的零部件,从减轻全车的重量上看,这样做更合理些。 LVT3的 …
LVT-3C - GHQ Models
In 1949, 1200 LVT-3 Bushmasters were modified to C standard. These modifications included an armored roof, extended nose for buoyancy, a bow-mounted machine gun and a small turret mounting a 30-caliber machine gun. The LVT-3C was deployed during the Korean war, including the Inchon landing. Many units were also transferred to the ROK.
Old LVT pics - Armor - Finescale Modeler Forum
2009年1月23日 · I have pictures of the ramp when I went through school, talk about an interesting line up then too, a BMP-1, LVT3C, and AAVP7A1’s in the old camo and the NATO tri, some with the old “star wars” turret and the rest with the UGWS. Here is the picture with the information on the back. It is an LVT3C, not sure when or where.