Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
LVT (A)-4 amtank at Iwo Jima beach, c. February/March 1945. The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked (LVT or AMTRAC) is an amphibious warfare vehicle and amphibious landing craft, introduced …
LVT (A) (4) - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced during Update 1.97 "Viking Fury" as a reward for the 2020 Victory Day event, the LVT (A) (4) is a premium beginner light tank under the U.S. Army ground forces. It has similar …
LVT1自重7.8吨,车长6.552米,车宽2.948米,车高2.476米,可运载25人或运载2吨货物,动力装置为水冷汽油机,最大功率为120马力(后提高到150马力),陆上最大速度19千米/小时,最 …
WT绝版载具——LVT(A)(4) Zis-2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
LVT (A) (4) Zis-2 是美国二级坦歼,权重2.3。 它是2016年圣诞马拉松陆军任务的第一个奖品,完成6个任务获得。 LVT (A) (4) Zis-2本来是中国的载具,据说当年是改装用来打湾湾的。 这个 …
【战争雷霆载具资料】LVT(A)-4/ZiS-2两栖战车 - 哔哩哔哩
优点:主炮穿甲能力强。 缺点:装甲防护较差,主炮俯角较小。 建议用法:远距离狙击,平原野战。 避免用法:近距离作战,山地战,巷战。
WAR THUNDER 载具小百科(4)LVT(A)-4/ZIS-2 - 知乎
2024年3月18日 · LVT(A)-4是 LVT 的变体, 配备M8 Scott 的 75毫米M2榴弹炮和炮塔,以解决现有 LVT 火力不足的问题,其许多生产被编入美国海军陆战队。
LVT-4 Water Buffalo (1943) - tank-afv.com
It was entirely covered but the removal of the two forward machine guns proved later to be a serious tactical shortcomings. 1,890 LVT (A)4s were built in total. They participated in the …
LVT (A)4 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark IV)
Marines assualted Iwo Jima on 19 February 1945. The operation was to be so timed that at H-Hour 68 LVT (A)4s, comprising the first wave, were to hit the beach. These vehicles were to …
LVT (A) (4) (ZiS-2) - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision", the LVT (A) (4) (ZiS-2) offers War Thunder players a unique tank blending American and Soviet design philosophies.
LVT (A) (4) (ZIS-2) (USA) | War Thunder Wiki
The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked, Armoured, Mark 4, 57 mm ZiS-2 - LVT (A) (4) (ZiS-2) is an up-gunned modification of the LVT (A) (4), which is the fourth armoured, infantry support variant …