LVTP-5 - Wikipedia
As of the mid-2010s, the sole remaining state user of the LVTH-6 was the Philippines, who used four of them for their naval infantry force. [1][2] As of 2013, Philippine LVTH-6s came in a "digital"-style camouflage pattern. [1] LVTH-6 (landing vehicle, tracked, howitzer) - fire support variant armed with M49 105 mm howitzer.
LVTH6 - AmTrac
LVTH6 was the armored amphibian version of the LVTP5. The hulls were identical, but the H6 had a turret armed with a 105mm howitzer installed over the cargo compartment. The vehicle commander and loader had their own hatches in the turret.
红肿不堪——中国台湾LVTH-6两栖火力支援车 - 哔哩哔哩
在动力系统上,LVTH-6换装了一台720匹马力的12V-71T涡轮增压柴油机,搭配2前1倒的艾利逊CD-850-5型液压变速箱,公路极速可达48km/h,倒车极速13km/h,越野性能一般。 水上行驶由履带划水前进,时速可达11km/h。 整车战斗全重可达39吨,功重比约为18.46,加速性能合格。 LVTH-6作为一款两栖火力支援车,原本的作战定位是掩护两栖装甲运兵车及陆战队员,专门针对敌方的火力点和碉堡。 不过,在台湾省这边就转变成了反登陆装备,显得有些荒诞。
LVTH6 - AFV Database
2024年1月6日 · LVTH6 was the armored amphibian version of the LVTP5. The hulls were identical, but the H6 had a turret armed with a 105mm howitzer installed over the cargo compartment. The vehicle commander and loader had their own hatches in the turret.
美国LVTP履带式两栖装甲战车 - 百度百科
1.lvth6榴弹炮车 该车系在LVTP5型车底盘上安装了双人炮塔、M49式105mm榴弹炮、7.62mm 并列机枪 以及车顶 12.7mm高射机枪 。 浮渡时,可戴105mm炮弹100发, 7.62mm枪弹 1000发,12.7mm枪弹1050发。
Amphibious amphibious assault vehicle LVTH6
2013年9月7日 · The LVTH6 (Landing Vehicle Tracked) is a tracked amphibious assault vehicle made by Pacific Car and Foundry Co and Ingersoll. It belongs to the 2 generation of similar
LVT1自重7.8吨,车长6.552米,车宽2.948米,车高2.476米,可运载25人或运载2吨货物,动力装置为水冷汽油机,最大功率为120马力(后提高到150马力),陆上最大速度19千米/小时,最 …
Taiwan LVTH-6 105mm amphibious assault gun - iNEWS - 資訊咖
5 天之前 · LVTH-6 is used to replace the old LVT (A) series amphibious fire support vehicles. Taiwan's LVTH-6 all belong to the 651st regiment of the Marine Corps and are organized into the H6 artillery battalion (4 companies).
LVTP5-H6火力支援车 - 百度百科
LVTP5-H6是在原型基础上改进衍生出的火力支援型号,又被称作“两栖登陆炮车”。 LVTP5-H6火力支援车是在LVTP-5原型车底盘上改进装备制成。 可携带100发105毫米炮弹、1050发12.7毫米机枪弹和1000发7.62毫米机枪弹。 [1] 在 第二次世界大战 开始时,火力支援系统是用马车或机动车装载或牵引 (比如迫击炮),然后再从上面卸下来进行射击。 在这段时期里,也出现了一些履带式装甲平台,这些平台上安装的重型机枪可卸下来进行射击,或当车辆静止时进行射击。 当时德军采 …
海軍LVTH6兩棲裝甲突擊炮車 - 臺灣阿信部落格 - udn部落格